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EaseFilter Inc. (Filter: Freeware)

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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter

Auto File DRM Encryption Tool

Auto File DRM Encryption Tool was developed with EaseFilter Encryption Filter Driver(EEFD) SDK. The tool can encrypt the file transparently, enable you to embed the digital rights management( DRM) data to the encrypted files, it allows only the authorized processes or users to read the encrypted file, the unauthorized processes or users only can get the raw cipher text of the encrypted file. More…

Registry monitor and protector

Registry monitor and protector is a tool which was developed with registry filter driver SDK. It can monitor the registry access on-the-fly, to track the registry change, prevent the registry being accessed or changed by unauthorized processes or users. It also can create the virtual registry key or value. More…