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HTML-Help Projects

build HTML, HTML-Help und Win-Help Files More…


JRActiveSizer 1.6 is a 32 bit Activex Control for sizing and moving controls at runtime. JRActiveSizer handle all your toolbox controls of Visual Basic. The distribution includes the following files: Readme.txt JRActiveSizer.ocx Demo1, Demo2, Demo3 Demo4 VB6 Demoprojekts with Source Code More…

JRSpell Checker

JRSpellChecker is a ActiveX control that allows software developers and web designer to add spell checking capabilities to their applications with a couple of lines of code. The control is spelling text boxes, text strings, RTF-Control and finaly the TX Text Control You can spell check single words, selected text or a complete document.Built in spell check dialog box with ignore and add word feature. Autocorrection function. More…

JRStegano .net component

JRStegano control lib is a .net component for Steganographie. JRStegano allow you to hide (and extract) any data file inside a perfectly normal 24-bit BMP or PNG file. The component builds a file system inside the image there you can add so many textstrings and files as you want. (the datasize was limited by the picture width and height properties) More…