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Kategorie Netzwerk & Internet / Sonstige (Filter: Demo)

Network Chat

Der Network Chat 2.6 ist ein komfortables Programm um in lokalen Netzwerken miteinander zu kommunizieren. Es kann von maximal 8 User gleichzeitig benutzt werden und muss dabei nur auf einem PC installiert sein. Es gibt Emotions-Buttons, eine Liste der anwesenden Personen und viele weitere Funktionen. In dieser Version kann man nun auch die Text- und Hintergrundfarbe selbst wählen und hat als Adminsistrator zusätzliche Funktionen zur Verfügung. Mehr…

Picture of the Day

Do you have a favorite "Picture of the Day" site, such as the many "Cartoon of the Day" or "Babe of the Day" sites? With POTD you can bring those images to your own desktop automatically. At the schedule you set and from the sites that you specify, POTD will collect the images and display them as your desktop wallpaper. A long list of sites are provided as well as the ability to display them as a screen saver. Mehr…

Extra Dialer Pro

Extra Dialer Pro is a powerful program designed for forwarding one voice message to large group of people. The program lets you record your voice message and store it on your PC until it is transmitted. After transmitting your voice message, it can optionaly record a reply from the recipient. Program may be configured to dial at specific time and day of week. Program can be run when windows runs. Mehr…

Onlineeye Pro

Onlineeye optimizes PC Internet performance. The real-time Graphic Analyzer separately measures download and upload speed/time. A zoomable and printable graph shows 24 hours of speed history, allowing you to see what Internet activity took place when you were away from the computer. The active taskbar icon graphs the current speed. The networkmonitor shows every internetactivity of your DSL connection and let you unmask all spys ! Mehr…


PyroTrans is an EuroFile transfer package (client, server and batch mode), that allows users to manually or automatically exchange files between computers which are connected via ISDN, Modem or Internet. The product is targeted at software developers, users and companies who require easy and reliable file transfer, either manually or controlled by other software. The product is typically used to exchange files between company and field staff. Mehr…

cFos/Win Professional

cFos, Einwahl & Beschleunigung mittels Traffic Shaping. Maximale Download-Speed, minimaler Ping. Für DSL, ISDN, Kabel, Modem, Mobile, Tauschbörsen (P2P), Online-Spiele, VoIP, Streaming Media und Tuning. // Weitere Fähigkeiten: Frei definierbare Prioritäten - selbst einmessend - Layer-7 Analyse - Firewall - optimale DFÜ-Verbindungen - WLAN - MTU-Optimierung - Online Zähler / Budgets, Version für Vista, XP, Win2k, NT, 9x, ME, OS/2, DOS Mehr…