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LibTiff.Net is a free and open source .NET and Silverlight version of original libtiff library that allows you to read and create TIFF images in a .NET compatible language. Full source code with tests and test images is available. API is almost the same as in original libtiff library. Silverlight version. Can be included in your source code or used as DLL. Fully managed code without unsafe blocks. Commercial-friendly New BSD license. Mehr…


Docotic.Pdf ist eine leistungsstarke C#-PDF-Bibliothek für .NET. Sie können damit PDF-Dokumente in .NET Core-, ASP.NET-, Windows Forms-, WPF-, Xamarin-, Blazor-, Unity- und HoloLense-Anwendungen erstellen, lesen und bearbeiten. Die Bibliothek unterstützt die Frameworks .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6, .NET 5, .NET Standard / .NET Core und .NET 4.x. Sie können die Bibliothek in .NET unter Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS oder in einer Cloud verwenden. Mehr…

VeriLook Embedded SDK Trial

Mobile face recognition SDK for Android smatphones, tablets and other embedded devices. The biometric technology processes multiple faces in a frame, provides gender determination and PC-like facial identification quality. Works with build-in phone cameras. The software development kit includes face template extraction and matching components, Java programming samples and tutorials, documentation. The SDK trial requires internet connection. Mehr…

TCP Logger AX

TCP Logger AX monitors TCP/IP or UDP ports and captures, records and exports information send through them absolutely automatically. Interrogating probes, transducers and sensors; managing industrial SCADA systems; gathering data from dozens of RS232/RS485 devices connected via Ethernet - this is an example scope of possible applications. Offers a wide range of exporting options via ODBC, DDE and OLE. Can work as a service. Mehr…

SharpShooter Diagrams

SharpShooter Diagrams offers a unified designer for diagrams and charts building which can be easily integrated into any Silverlight application. All manipulations are performed by the users. Component includes 200 predesigned shapes that are not just static images, but complex objects with plenty of properties setting up their appearance and behavior in the designer. It is also possible to use BPMN (Business Process Management Notation) shapes. Mehr…

Polyglot 3000

Polyglot 3000 is automatic language identifier that can detect the language used in a text, phrase, or even a single word. The program features over 400 languages. Input text files utilise both Unicode and ANSI encodings. Polyglot 3000 features: Recognize more than 400 languages. Supports Unicode texts. Nice user interface. Quick and correct language identification. Recognize language just among popular languages. Multilingual interface. Mehr…