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NovaBACKUP 10 Server

NovaBACKUP Server ist die ideale Lösung für kleine Unternehmen zur Sicherung von Servern, sowohl lokal als auch Online. Die vielfach ausgezeichnete Software-Lösung zur Datensicherung von Servern ermöglicht auch ungeübten Anwendern die einfache und schnelle Schritt-für-Schritt-Einrichtung des ersten Backups mit Hilfe des Backup Assistenten. More…

Hitonic MIDlet Protector

Hitonic MIDlet Protector modifies MIDlet JAR/JAD files and sets various limitations on launching MIDlets (launch count, launch date, runtime limitations). MIDlet launch limitation can be turned off by activation (activation code, password, SMS message sending). This tool is useful to protect mobile phone applications created automatically, for example, through bookreaders. More…

MSSQL to MySQL Converter

Microsoft SQL server to MySQL server converter software converts single or group of tables row columns files indexes keys and all other attributes. Application provides safe data conversion and maintains data integrity. More…

MS Access to MySQL Database Converter

MS Access to MySQL database translation software translate its tables, primary key, unique key constraints, index files and all properties. Database converter utility provides facility to merging existing database or converts into new database. More…

MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter

MySQL to MSSQL database migration program converts structures and data table (rows and columns) along with all properties of tables. Application tool keep keys values, indexes and null values properties of source database while converting into MSSQL More…


WinMount can mount ZIP RAR 7-ZIP WIM ISO CUE MDS ISZ file to a new virtual drive, so you can use these files directly. You donot need extract them. This save your time and disk space. You can also create a disk image file and mount it to a new virtual drive More…