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StatTrak K-ForCE for Pocket PC

StatTrak K-ForCE allows you to score baseball and softball games play-by-play on your handheld Pocket PC. Print scoresheets and game stats from your desktop PC with viewer program included. One tap scoring allows you to score the most frequent plays with ease. Score a walk, and the runner on first is automatically advanced. Score a home run, and all runners advance to home and the batter is credited with the correct number of RBIs. More…

StatTrak for Football

StatTrak for Football software is a complete stats program with many options yet very easy to use. Track and calculate over 100 stats for Passing, Receiving, Rushing, Defense, Kicking, game scores, won/lost record, team standings and more. StatTrak for Football stats software is great for all levels of Football including Leagues, High School, and College. Create and print reports by team, multiple-team, all games, individual games and more. More…

StatTrak for Soccer

StatTrak for Soccer software is a complete stats program with many options yet very easy to use. Track and calculate over 40 stats for Kicks, Goals, Fouls, Blocks, Assists, game scores, won/lost record, team standings and more. StatTrak for Soccer stats software is great for all levels of Soccer including Leagues, High School, and College. Our soccer software tracks Off-Sides, Shots at Goal, Corner Kick %, Penalty Kicks and more. More…

StatTrak K-ForCE PC Edition

StatTrak K-ForCE allows you to score baseball and softball games play-by-play on your laptop, notebook, or tablet PC. Save games for future reference and print scoresheets and box score reports. Score the most frequent plays with ease. Score a walk, and the runner on first is automatically advanced. Score a home run, and all runners advance to home and the batter is credited with the correct number of RBIs. More…


This programm runs on each java-handy and gives you the orientation using the principle of the sun compass. The handy calculates the position of the sun for the current time and location and shows it on the handydisplay together with a compass card. Instructions: Hold handy horizontally and turn it so that the circle with the X inside points to the sun. The display shows the direction with +/-3 degrees deviation. More…


Umfangreiche Astronomie-Software, zeigt Ihnen den kompletten Sternhimmel (15 Mio Sterne) oder in 3D unser Sonnensystem mit den Planeten, Asteroiden und Kometen zu beliebiger Zeit von beliebigem Ort aus. Alle Einstellungen können in Dateien gespeichert werden. Eine Animationsfunktion lässt die Bewegungen der Himmelsobjekte nachvollziehen. Teleskop-/CCD-Kamera-Steuerung. Kartendruck. Die Demoversion hat weniger Objekte und kleine Einschränkungen. More…