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Kategorie Web Entwicklung / HTML Tools (Filter: Demo)

Instant Gallery Maker

Instant Gallery Maker will allow you to quickly and easily create professional-looking web image galleries ready to be published on the Web. Creating web image galleries has never been easier - just press a few buttons and let Instant Gallery Maker do the entire job for you. The program features wizard-style interface and is manageable for anybody, including those who have absolutely no idea of HTML and image processing. Mehr…

Jasob JavaScript Obfuscator

Jasob JavaScript Obfuscator is a popular tool, enabling JavaScript and CSS driven Web pages to be compressed and obfuscated into supertight, bandwidth-optimized code. When the Web code is not optimized, it takes the page longer to load. Besides, it makes the site's unique code easy to steal. Jasob software is an ideal solution for those who want to make their Web pages faster and protect their code and intellectual property. Mehr…

Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder

Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder for Android, Internet, Html software. Presentation tools software. It creates a multimedia immersive presentations with: spherical and cylindrical panoramas, hot spots, map, compas, video, objects, foreground speech, background music, flash animation and Html links. User can create following solutions: Android, Internet Html Flash; Executable Presentation; ScreenSaver implementation; Mehr…

WebSite X5 Evolution 8

WebSite X5 ist das ideale Programm zur Verwirklichung Ihrer eigenen Ideen für einen herausragenden Internetauftritt. Die Software bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, um eine professionelle Webseite in nur 5 Schritten zu erstellen – mit beeindruckenden Grafiken und allen Funktionen, wie Sie es von den besten aktuellen Webseiten kennen. Mehr…

Yaldex StatusTitle Maker 5.9

Yaldex StatusTitle Maker creates JavaScript code to show a message in the title and status bar. You can describe the destination of a link in the title or status bar instead of showing the URL associated with it. Also there are many adjusted effects including: Uppercase Across, Flashing, Typewriter letter by letter and so on. Finally, there are 19 controlled effects for title bar and 19 controlled effects for status bar. Mehr…

Total HTML Converter

Total HTML Converter wandelt HTML/MHT-Dateien in Doc/PDF/XLS/JPEG/TXT stapelweise um. FLASH wird auch unterstütz. Sie arbeiten mit dem GUI oder in der Kommandozeile. Es gibt mehrere Optionen wie HTML-Breite an PDF-Seitengröße anpassen (hilfreich fürs HTML-Seitenausdrucken) oder IE-Fuß- und Kopfzeilen. Laden Sie es einfach herunter und probieren Sie es aus. Total HTML Converter ist Ihre beste Wahl für Umwandlung von HTML/MHT in andere Formate. Mehr…