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Online Tax Pros

Take the pain out of tax time with quick and easy online tax preparation and direct e-filing to the IRS with Online Tax Pros. Online Tax Pros lets you prepare your federal tax return for free. We are also an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. Therefore, you can get your refund in as little as 8-15 days when you e-file. Professional tax advice and extensions are available. File tax with Online Tax Pros it's easy, fast, and IRS approved. Mehr…

Asset Manager Enterprise Edition

Never lose track of your assets again - Implement Asset Management in your business with Asset Manager 2025. Print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees, or track your assets by their existing barcodes. Attach Owner's Manuals, service logs, and more to maintain a complete history for each of your assets. Asset Manager 2025 is easy to use and you can get started quickly. Visit us at: Mehr…

Peachtree Password Recovery

Peachtree Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords for Peachtree Accounting company files. All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. Multilingual passwords are supported. Mehr…

Simply Accounting Password Recovery

Simply Accounting Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords for Simply Accounting company files (.sai, .sdw). All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. Multilingual passwords are supported. Mehr…

Vladovsoft Fitorg

Vladovsoft Fitorg is an easy to use gym management software. It lets you easily track all membership details, bookings, deliveries and sales in your club, which makes it an ideal solution for gyms, health clubs, fitness centers, etc. When you start the program for the first time enter 'admin' for username and 'admin' for password to log in. Mehr…

GSA Buchhalter

Der GSA Buchhalter ist eine Software für alle Freiberufler, Handwerker und Kleinbetriebe, die nicht zu einer doppelten Buchführung verpflichtet sind. Das Programm ist leicht zu bedienen und verzichtet bewusst auf unnötige Funktionen. Es ermöglicht Ihnen die Verwaltung unbegrenzt vieler Mandanten sowie deren Ein- und Ausgaben. Die Buchungskonten sind dabei frei konfigurierbar und jede Buchung lässt sich im Nachhinein editieren. Mehr…