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Category Home & Hobby / Recreation (Filter: Evaluation)

notation musician

Find your favorite music on the Internet and create interactive, printable sheet music. Sing or play along while following the notes on the screen. You control the tempo of the music and the volume of each instrument, while Notation Musician turns the pages and even repeats practice loops for you. You can add lyrics and display a sing-along screen to enjoy. Or practice your instrument while Notation Musician provides the accompaniment. More…


This programm runs on each java-handy and gives you the orientation using the principle of the sun compass. The handy calculates the position of the sun for the current time and location and shows it on the handydisplay together with a compass card. Instructions: Hold handy horizontally and turn it so that the circle with the X inside points to the sun. The display shows the direction with +/-3 degrees deviation. More…


Ob terrestrische Navigation oder Astronavigation - mit den NauticTools kann man (fast) alle Aufgaben lösen, die einem Navigator in der täglichen Bordpraxis abverlangt werden. Neben dem Einsatz an Bord sind die NauticTools auch besonders auf die Bedürfnisse der SKS-, SSS- und SHS-Prüflinge ausgerichtet. Durch die Anzeige aller relevanten Zwischenergebnisse können Übungsaufgaben leicht kontrolliert und erstellt werden. More…


This programm measures the time between two distance signs on the freeway and calculates your speed. One click at each sign and the handy displays your speed in three big digits. More…

GESO Ernährungsberater

Software für Ernährungsberatung mit folgenden Features: Nährwerttabellen pro Lebensmittel, Nährstoffbeschreibungen, Bestenliste von Lebensmitteln, Tagesanalyse, Tagesbedarf, Rezepte, Reduktionsdiät, Kalorienbedarf, Artikel, sportliche Betätigungen More…

StatTrak K-ForCE for Pocket PC

StatTrak K-ForCE allows you to score baseball and softball games play-by-play on your handheld Pocket PC. Print scoresheets and game stats from your desktop PC with viewer program included. One tap scoring allows you to score the most frequent plays with ease. Score a walk, and the runner on first is automatically advanced. Score a home run, and all runners advance to home and the batter is credited with the correct number of RBIs. More…