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Category Home & Hobby / Personal Finance

Oszczedzanie Energii

Why is the bill so high? This program allows you to record the consumption of electricity, water, gas and heating oil. Thus you can identify the cause of higher bills more easily. The program also has a cost calculator for electricity and water, allowing an efficient and easy calculation of the resource consumption of a selectable appliance. In addition, the software has many tips on energy savings. More…


Zuzahlungs-Master ist ein Programm, mit dem Sie die neue Praxisgebühr beim Arzt oder die fälligen Zuzahlungen bei rezeptpflichtigen Arzneimitteln, Krankenhausaufenthalten, Massagen usw. erfassen, verwalten, berechnen und überwachen können. Niemand muss endlos zuzahlen. Erstellen Sie im Programm anhand Ihres Bruttoeinkommens Ihre persönliche Belastungsgrenze. More…


- saldo-balance (a "chess" table) for a private, family or firm budget; - Operations are stored in a true database (MS Access mdb file); - fields in an Operation record are: Date, From, To, Sum, Comment; - categories of Operations are stored automatically; - setting a Dates range for a list of Operations and Balance; - saving a list of Operations and Balance to a txt file; - showing a lot of Balances simultaneously; More…

Loan Calc

Loan Calc is an easy-to-use tool intended to calculate loans and mortgages repayments in a very simple way. Loan Calc calculates repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments and generates a full repayment list from a start date. Loan Calc is currency-independent so it can be used with Dollars, Francs, Marks, Pounds,...or whatever you like. Just use a dot or a comma for decimals depending on your system settings. More…

StarMoney Deluxe

StarMoney Deluxe ist die optimale Lösung für den gehobenen Anspruch und bietet mehr Flexibilität sowie zusätzliche Funktionen beim Banking. Es ist die perfekte Software für den dreifachen Einsatz, z.B. Zuhause, im Büro und unterwegs. Mit StarMoney Deluxe verwalten Sie alle Ihre Finanzen komfortabel und effizient in nur einem Programm. Dazu bescheinigt das TÜV-Prüfsiegel höchste Sicherheit beim Banking. More…

Budgets Get Real

A powerful money management system for home or small business. Compare your actual expenses to your budget with ease. Import information directly from your bank statements to track income, expenses and budget. Budgets Get Real lets you manage all of your bank accounts, credit cards, loans and cash purchases in the one place. Automatically generate graphs and reports to predict your future needs. More…