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Category Home & Hobby / Other


A program to convert GPS-track of *.gpx, *.mps, *.plt or *.nmea format to Navitel Tracks.bin "blue line" file. More…

Checklist Templates

Checklists package contains the following templates to download: Business Management Checklists Project Management Checklists Employee Management Checklists Customer Management Checklists Company Activity Checklists Office Management Checklists Document Management Checklists Crisis Survival Checklists Self-management Checklists Education Checklists Household Checklists Family Checklists Holidays Checklists Event Checklists Disaster Checklist More…

Resistor Calculator

Calculate the color code of a resistor based on the resistor value. Of course, you can also provide a color code and the program will show you the resulting resistor value. Additionally the closest resistor within the E series as well as within the Renard numbers is displayed automatically. As another feature the program can calculate the required resistor value for LED circuits (single LED, series connection, parallel connection). More…

Das Fussball Studio

Leistungsfähige Verwaltung und Auswertung von Fußball-Ligen. Für Freunde der 1. und 2. Bundesliga bietet es alles was das Herz begehrt. Die Datenbank enthält detaillierte Infos zu allen Spielen dieser Ligen seit 1963 bzw. 1974. Mit der Möglichkeit, neben saisonweisen Auswertungen auch historische Statistiken erstellen zu können, ist es genau das richtige Werkzeug für Statistik-Experten und alle, die es werden wollen. Gratis als Freeware. More…


A program to decode Morse code via sound input of PDA to text. No additional hardware required - your need only receiver and PDA with sound input. Built-in microphone of device can be used also. More…

Car Note

Organaize information by personal car More…