Category Development / Other
Rustemsoft XML Converter
Version: 8.4.9 | Shareware (USD 99.99)
XML Converter is conversion software to interactively create XML data transformation. XML Converter converts data from csv, ODBC, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, JSON, or from MS Office files(excel, docx) into XML documents. It gives you ability to predefine XML transformation template scenario to create an XML with your particular multilevel tagged tree structure from a specially formatted data source.(Excel to XML, docx, JSON, csv to XML) More…
DTM Test XML Generator
Version: 1.20.04 | Demo (USD 139.00)
DTM Test XML Generator creates a set of XML documents with same structure for testing purposes. It has a few built-in data generators: integers, strings, date/time values, address, e-mail, IP-address, zip codes, etc. Also, it has value library with lists of names, countries, streets, companies, etc. The test document preview feature makes data generation more visible and intuitive. Import option allows to load structure from existing XML file. More…
UIChart iOS component
Version: 1.4.9 | Shareware (USD 189.99)
The Rustemsoft UIChart control enables to create iOS apps with simple, intuitive, and visually compelling chart for complex statistical or financial analysis in different graph types that include Pie, Bar, Line, Cylinder, Area, and other chart types. You can use the UIChart control to show graphs of a small amount of data, or you can scale it to show charts of very large sets of data. More…
.NET Obfuscator Standard Edition
Version: 8.8.3 | Shareware (USD 79.99)
Skater .NET Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. Prohibits reverse engineering;Obfuscated application usually is not recompilable;Processes any .NET application, executable or assembly;Encrypts string constants;Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5);Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators;Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. More…
Visual Studio 2019 Obfuscator
Version: 8.7.1 | Shareware (USD 369.99)
Skater Visual Studio 2019 Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. Prohibits reverse engineering;Obfuscated application is not recompilable;Processes any .NET application, executable or assembly;Encrypts string constants;Compatible with any .NET framework (from 1.0 to 4.6);Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators;Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. More…
Skater TOTAL
Version: 8.7.1 | Shareware (USD 99.99)
Skater TOTAL is the unique .NET protection tool that proves real security for your production software. Unlike Skater .NET obfuscator that makes the unauthorized reverse-engineering more difficult by symbol renaming, control-flow algorithms, encrypting etc., Skater TOTAL totally stops MSIL disassemblers. This is the assurance that no one will see your source code. More…
Version: 1.0.7 | Shareware (EUR 59.00)
Erstellen von Datenträgeraustausch-Dateien für den beleglosen Zahlungsverkehr - mit integriertem BLZ-Verzeichnis, Kontonummern- und Kreditkarten-Prüfverfahren. Standard-DLL (keine ActiveX-DLL) für den Einsatz unter Visual Basic, VBA, MS-Access, Delphi und .NET. Inkl. ausführlicher Beispielprojekte und moderner HTML-Hilfe. Erhältlich als Einzel-/User Firmenlizenz oder als volle Entwicklerlizenz. Vierteljährliche Datenupdates - absolut kostenlos! More…
TOTAL .NET Protector
Version: 8.7.1 | Shareware (USD 199.99)
TOTAL is a right tool to native compile .NET executables. TOTAL .NET Protector totally stops MSIL disassemblers. Unlike Skater .NET obfuscator that makes the unauthorized reverse-engineering more difficult by symbol renaming, control-flow algorithms, encrypting etc., TOTAL .NET Protector totally stops MSIL disassemblers. This is the assurance that no one will see your source code. More…
sevMenuXP ActiveX
Version: 1.0.15 | Shareware (EUR 49.00)
Erstellen Sie professionelle Menüs im modernen Office/XP-Style - natürlich mit freier Farbgestaltung, Schriftart und Bildsymbolen, SecondChoice-Einträgen, ToolTips, Hintergrundbilder und vieles mehr. Die "SecondChoice"-Option (2. Auswahl) erlaubt es bestimmte Menüeinträge zunächst auszublenden, die dann erst per Knopfdruck innerhalb des Menüs angezeigt werden - auf Wunsch auch mit einer anderen Hintergrundfarbe... More…
XMLFox Visual Studio XML Editor
Version: 8.3.3 | Shareware (USD 79.99)
XML editing and validation tool XMLFox Visual Studio XML Editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox schema editor enables you to easily develop advanced data models expressed in XSD Schema. It is the XML Schema Editor to provide a synchronized split-pane interface that simultaneously shows both a visual XML Schema representation and the XML code content, with changes in one tab instantly reflected in the other. More…
XMLFox Advance XML Editor
Version: 8.3.3 | Shareware (USD 99.99)
XML editing and validation tool XMLFox Advance editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox schema editor enables you to easily develop advanced data models expressed in XSD Schema. It is the XML Schema Editor to provide a synchronized split-pane interface that simultaneously shows both a visual XML Schema representation and the XML code content, with changes in one tab instantly reflected in the other. More…
sevMail ActiveX mit ZIP-Funktionalität
Version: 1.0.1 | Shareware (EUR 69.00)
Mails senden, abrufen und decodieren - ganz easy ;-) (für VB6)
Das SMTP Control sendet, das POP3 Control empfängt und der Mail-Parser (Klassenobjekt) decodiert empfangene Mails im
Handumdrehen - natürlich unter Berücksichtigung von Multi-Part MIME Nachrichten, Anlagen u.v.m. Auf Wunsch zippt die
Komponente Dateianlagen, um die Mail so klein wie möglich zu halten. Die Komponente unterstützt auch SMTP-AUTH Server... More…