Category Business / Project Management
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
A VIP Team To Do List
Version: 2.9.68 | Shareware (USD 74.95)

VIP Team To Do List is a professional time and task management software for small and midsize business. It lets users create and manage team to-do lists, publish them on Web or send tasks to team members by email. It's an organizer, planner, notepad and reminder combined in one powerful application. Use our software to organize, prioritize and track tasks, manage projects, workflow and events, plan your team work for days, months and years ahead. More…
Mind Pad
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (USD 60.00)

Mind Pad allows to create concept and mind maps basing not just on creating and linking text blocks. Mind Pad allows organize in maps objects with any properties set. With Mind Pad scripting you are able to create your own rules for data management and representation.
Mind Pad suggests a new approach to concept and mind mapping. Mind Pad allows to create frame objects with unique properties. More…
A:Z:E projektZeiterfassung
Version: | Demo (EUR 108.00)

A:Z:E ist professionelle Standardsoftware die es Ihnen ermöglicht Anwesenheits- und Projektzeiten direkt am PC, in Echtzeit oder nachträglich, zu erfassen. Gleichzeitig kann die Zeiterfassung und BDE auch elektronisch erfolgen. So haben Sie mehr Erfolg und weniger Stress, weil Sie Ihre Leistung besser verkaufen können. Einfach und sicher. Netzwerkfähig. Für alle Betriebsgrößen und Branchen. Verschenken Sie noch, oder verkaufen Sie schon? More…
Heiz und Nebenkosten für Excel
Version: 6.01 | Shareware (EUR 9.95)

Abrechnung aller Nebenkosten und Heizkosten einer Immobilie für Mieter und Vermieter mit der Berechnung einer neuen Vorauszahlung für Nebenkosten. Warmwasserberechnung sowie Heizkostenabrechnung über WMZ. Abrechnungen die nicht in einem Kalenderjahr liegen sind jetzt möglich. More…
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (EUR 24.90)

Auftrags-Stempel-Zeiterfassung für kleine, mittlere Firmen: Ordnen Sie Ihre Zeit bestimmten Arbeitsabläufen zu. An einem Computer oder im Netzwerk können sich viele Mitarbeiter anmelden. z.B. für Werkstädten, Druckereien, Schreinereien, alle Dienstleister. Passwortgeschützt. Einfaches Login der Arbeitszeit mit der eingebauten Stoppuhr. Unterstützt Arbeitsgruppen, mehrere Projekte, Teilprojekte.Sekundengenaues Erfassen. More…
HOAI detail (nach HOAI 2021)
Version: 2022 | Freeware (EUR 99.00)

The fee for architect and engineering services can often even architects and engineers not calculate correctly, because the underlying fee scale (HOAI) is not easy. For this reason, every third fee calculation is fraught with errors. This is the one for the architects and engineers annoying when you bill less than they would be entitled, on the other hand for the builders, which too high a fee will be charged. More…
PlanBee project management planning tool
Version: 2.0e | Shareware (USD 29.98)

Critical Path Project Management planning tool. Inexpensive alternative to MS Project. Shows all project data in a spreadsheet pattern for ease of understanding. Independent re-sizeable and hideable windows show PERT views and Gantt (bar chart) views of the project in addition to the spreadsheet view. Reports, PERT charts and Gantt charts may be either printed or copied to the clipboard. Web page reports may be generated (Pro version). More…
Baukosten Einfamilienhaus
Version: 2022 | Freeware (EUR 99.00)

This program allows you to determine costs for single-family homes and townhouses. By mixing calculations, the number of quantities to be determined are reduced to a minimum, so that the user, for example, must determine no windows, as the cost of windows are included in the price of the outside walls. The cost principles draw on the usual homes share. In order to consider entwurfliche features, option buttons are provided, with which, for More…
AllNetic Working Time Tracker
Version: 3 | Shareware (EUR 44.95)

Tracks how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. Thanks to precise time tracking and accounting you can quickly and precisely calculate time spent on different tasks. You can bill your clients on time based on real reports. You can plan your working day better and be more effective in managing your time as you see, where your time is gone. The application doesn't occupy space on your desktop and is controlled from System Tray. More…
Version: 5.21 | Freeware
Übersichtliche Eingabe von Projekten und Aufgaben in einer Baumstruktur. Über den Stand des Projekts informiert ein Fortschrittsbalken, der durch Ändern der Farbe von Grün auf Rot vor Terminüberschreitungen warnt. Das Programm unterscheidet zwischen zwei Arten von Knoten. Projekt-Knoten bezeichnen das Projekt oder Teilaufgaben. Unter ihm liegen Aufgaben oder weitere Unterprojekte. More…
Version: 5.3 | Shareware (EUR 39.00)
TimePanic is a time tracking application for the self-employed and for small businesses, but is really easy enough to use for anyone who works on a computer. It tracks your hours on a per project basis, calculates overtime and manages your absences and holidays. Based on hourly rates, it calculates net invoice amounts. It creates single-user and multi-user reports and saves them in a standard format that can be exported to Microsoft Excel. More…
A VIP Project Management Solution
Version: 3.75 | Demo (EUR 99.00)
Professional software tool for project management and collaboration. Authorized users can simultaneously access the common database through Local Network and Low Speed Network or Internet to see, add, edit and delete their team or personal tasks. It is the best tool to planning, sharing any appointments, projects and another company or employees' activities in small business, government and non-government institutes. More…