Category Business / Project Management (Filter: Freeware)
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter
Version: 1 | Shareware (USD 60.00)

MeasureProductivity is a program designed to help measuring productivity. MeasureProductivity is a not a spy program, it will not tell how do other people work, it will not record your keystrokes; it is a self-examination program, which helps to measure and control your own productivity. There are some key concepts behind MeasureProductivity which makes it really useful. More…
Senomix Timesheets
Version: 5.2.3 | Freeware (USD 12.00)

Senomix Timesheets is the easiest networked time tracking software for engineering and project-based offices. All features are installed in minutes to let you track time, project progress or export data to QuickBooks, MYOB or Peachtree. Senomix's stopwatch and user interface lets employees easily register their time and collects your officeÂ’s timesheet, billing and project status information on one computer for easy reference. More…
Balanced Scorecard Designer
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (USD 270.00)

Balanced Scorecard Designer (BSC Designer) is software that simplifies the process of creating and managing Balanced Scorecards or KPI groups. With BSC Designer you will be able to create a set of key performance indicators, define relationships between groups, goals, and specify the importance of indicators. BSC Designer provides a flexible way to calculate performance values depending on indicators' settings. More…
RationalPlan Project Management Software
Version: 4.2 | Freeware (USD 57.00)

RationalPlan Project Management Software is a great alternative to MS Project with some extra-features like multiproject management and assignments email notification. The application is covering project management area from WBS construction, project planning and scheduling to critical path management, overallocated resources detection, progress tracking, cost estimation, etc. Useful for project planning, project scheduling and project tracking. More…
TaskMerlin Project Management Software
Version: | Shareware (USD 75.00)

TaskMerlin is project management software, task management software, to-do list software, time management software, calendar software and Gantt chart software for managing your tasks and projects. More…
HOAI Rechner
Version: 5.9.3 | Shareware (EUR 4.95)

HOAI-Software zur Honorarberechnung für Architekten und Ingenieure, alle Leistungsbilder nach HOAI; More…
Jitbit Small Business CRM
Version: 4.1.0 | Demo (USD 249.00)

Jitbit CRM - ASP.NET-based customer relationship management software for small businesses. Jitbit CRM is a simple web based CRM software, contact tracking and management made easy. Easy to install, accessible from anywhere as a Web application and simple to use. Jitbit CRM tracks your contacts, tasks and companies. FREE evaluation version has no expiration. More…
Version: 2 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)

HKProjekt bringt Ordnung und Übersichtlichkeit in Ihre Projekte. Sie können Ihre Projekte und deren Aufgaben sofort in eine Liste an Ihrem PC schreiben. Das können Rückrufzusagen, wie die für den Tag geplanten Aufgaben der Projekte, die es zu erledigen gilt, bis hin zu Ihren neuen Ideen sein. So entsteht eine vollständige Projektliste mit deren Aufgaben. More…
A:Z:E projektZeiterfassung
Version: | Demo (EUR 108.00)

A:Z:E ist professionelle Standardsoftware die es Ihnen ermöglicht Anwesenheits- und Projektzeiten direkt am PC, in Echtzeit oder nachträglich, zu erfassen. Gleichzeitig kann die Zeiterfassung und BDE auch elektronisch erfolgen. So haben Sie mehr Erfolg und weniger Stress, weil Sie Ihre Leistung besser verkaufen können. Einfach und sicher. Netzwerkfähig. Für alle Betriebsgrößen und Branchen. Verschenken Sie noch, oder verkaufen Sie schon? More…
A VIP Task Manager Professional Edition
Version: 4.2.61 | Shareware (USD 74.95)

Professional client/server software for task management and collaboration. Authorized users can simultaneously access the common database through Local Network (LAN) and Low Speed Network to see, add, edit and delete their team or personal tasks. It is the best tool to plan, schedule, share, appointments, projects, and any company activities in small business, government and non-government institutes, non-profit and educational organizations. More…
A VIP Task Manager Standard Edition
Version: 4.2.59 | Shareware (USD 49.95)

Professional client/server software for task management and team collaboration. All users can simultaneously access the common database through Local Network (LAN) and Low Speed Net to see, add, edit and delete their team or personal tasks. It is the best tool to plan, track and report tasks, appointments, projects, and any company activities in small business, government and non-government institutes, non-profit and educational organizations. More…
Heiz und Nebenkosten für Excel
Version: 6.01 | Shareware (EUR 9.95)

Abrechnung aller Nebenkosten und Heizkosten einer Immobilie für Mieter und Vermieter mit der Berechnung einer neuen Vorauszahlung für Nebenkosten. Warmwasserberechnung sowie Heizkostenabrechnung über WMZ. Abrechnungen die nicht in einem Kalenderjahr liegen sind jetzt möglich. More…