Category Business / Calculators & Converters
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
Version: | Adware

WorldCalc is a calculator and currency converter with daily exchange rate updates provided by Cloanto, a leader in currency software and services. Features include support for past and future euro currencies, a spreadsheet interface and translucent skins. The unregistered version displays an advertising banner. The registered version can use more than 100 different skins. More…
DIN 276 Konverter
Version: 2022 | Shareware (EUR 99.00)

In the DIN 276 converter there are tables for HOAI-based cost calculation: Fee invoices by age HOAI (before HOAI 2009) are often not verifiable. The main reason is that this version of the HOAI refers (fees for architects and engineers) to the old DIN to determine the construction costs. Architects who charge by the HOAI before 2009 are, on the one hand requires the construction costs according to the current edition of DIN to create 276. More…
Easy Date Converter
Version: 13 | Shareware

Designed for easy performance of date calculations. Adds or subtracts a number of days or months to a date, calculates the number of days between two dates and converts among Gregorian dates, Julian dates, ISO 8601 Week dates, Hermetic Leap Week dates, Julian day numbers and ordinal dates of the form yyyy-ddd. Weekend days, and first and last days, may be included or excluded. More…
Version: 4.0.17 | Shareware (EUR 19.90)

RasterCalc provides a fast calculation of uniform spacings (pitches) at a predefined length. Thereby also different edge distances where considered. For instance, with RasterCalc it's easy to make a calculation of spacings for drill-holes, oblong holes, welding seams etc. without time-killing trying. Due to the common user interface this program could be used at any all-round cases. More…
Version: 3 | Shareware (EUR 30.00)

Dampfdruck 3.0, der Dampfdruckrechner für Windows, berechnet sowohl Dampfdrücke bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen als auch Siedetemperaturen bei unterschiedlichen Drücken von mehr als 700 Flüssigkeiten, von Mischungen dieser Flüssigkeiten, von Lösungen in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen (mehr als 500 Feststoffe in mehr als 700 Flüssigkeiten) und von 130 wässrigen Lösungen diverser Konzentrationen. More…
Version: 2 | Shareware

Euro in DM und umgekehrt umrechnen. Mehrwertsteuer, brutto, netto ermitteln. Steuersatz ändern. Erscheint als Tray-Icon neben der Uhr. Mit ausklappbarem Ziffernblock. Programm ist im Vordergrund fixierbar. More…
Doxillion Plus Mac Dokumentkonverter
Version: 2.21 | Shareware

Doxillion ist ein Dokumentkonverter für Mac, um PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF, HTML, WPD, ODT, TXT und weitere Textdokumente umzuwandeln. Konvertieren Sie Dateien einzeln oder viele Dateien auf einmal. Sie können Doxillion auch als Konvertierungsoption in Ihr Rechtsklick-Menü integrieren und so Dokumente schnell in häufig verwendete Formate umwandeln. More…
Version: 9.4 | Freeware
BayCalculator ist ein Gebührenrechner für eBay zur Ermittlung von Angebotsgebühren, Verkaufsprovisionen, Versandkosten und Versteigerungsgewinn. Der Auktionsgebührenrechner unterstützt sowohl »normale« Auktionen, Festpreisangeboten, die Sofort-Kaufen-Option sowie Shop-Angebote*. Desweiteren werden die zusätzlichen Einstelloptionen und PowerSeller-Rabatte berücksichtigt. *Nur in Pro-Version More…
Unit Converter for Excel
Version: 4 | Shareware (USD 24.00)
Unit Converter for Excel is an addin for the Microsoft Excel to perform various conversions between many types of measurement units. The units are grouped in the following categories: Dimensions and capacity, Energy and power, Mechanics, Hydraulics, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, Light and sound, Radiation. More…
Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator
Version: | Shareware
The Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is an easy to use tool to perform map or GPS coordinate conversions. The software can be used to transform a single coordinate, or a batch of coordinates read from a comma separated,database or ESRI shapefiles. Supported map projections include: Transverse Mercator, Oblique Mercator, Mercator, Oblique Stereographic, Polar Stereographic, Albers Equal Area Conic, Krovak, Lambert Conformal Conic and more. More…
Parallel Key Calc
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (EUR 19.90)
Parallel Key Calc is a calculation program for keyed connections. A database for materials is integrated. It is possible to save and print the calculation report. More…
2plane rotor balancing calculator
Version: 1 | Freeware
2-plane rotor balancing calculator is used to calculate mass and angle of the correction weights to reduce vibration of rotating machines. 2-plane balancing calculator can transform any single-channel vibration instrument that is capable of measuring vibration and phase into a 2-plane balancing system. For a full-featured, dynamic 2-plane balancing system you can see inexpensive "Balanset-1" portable field balancer. More…