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Vitolab Software (Filter: Shareware)

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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter

Alive Diary

Alive Diary is a program for keeping personal diaries and a full-featured blog client. In Alive Diary, you can write posts in your blog, insert photos and images, format any text and then publish your blog pages on popular blog resources on the Internet, such as,, and many others. More…

Alive Task Manager

Alive Task Manager is a genuine electronic task scheduler, which can be used to create new tasks, prepare a personal time-table, remind about particular events, create repeated tasks, etc. Alive Task Manager supports a tree-type structure of the task list, different display layouts, and an efficient means of search, printout, export/import and synchronization of data, etc. More…