AquaSoft GmbH
The following programmes are presented to you by:
AquaSoft GmbH
Birkenstr. 4
14469 Potsdam
Deutschland / Germany
Birkenstr. 4
14469 Potsdam
Deutschland / Germany
softwaresites [at] aquasoft [dot] de | |
Phone | (01805) 9997123 |
Facsimile | (01805) 9997125 |
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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
AquaSoft AntiSchoner
Version: 1.06 | Freeware
Es gibt immer wieder Situationen, in denen der Bildschirmschoner unerwünscht ist. Z.B. beim CD-Brennen oder anderen langen Arbeiten, bei denen der Computer ohne Benutzereingabe arbeitet. Das manuelle Aus- und Einschalten des Bildschirmschoners kann dabei sehr lästig werden. Hier springt der AntiSchoner ein. Er sitzt als Tray-Icon neben der Uhr. Mit einem Klick auf das Symbol können Sie Ihren Bildschirmschoner aus- bzw. wieder einschalten. More…
AquaSoft Barbecue
Version: 3.2.05 | Freeware (EUR 29.90)

With AquaSoftware Barbecue you can produce professional looking picturesamples with less effort. In a collection of images you choose one and create all the modifications from you want. This will be saved in a Makro (you do it only by using the mouse). Then apply this method for the whole batch of your images. You can change all filenames systematicaly after exif-data or your own choice. Programm works fine with digital cameras and scanners. More…
AquaSoft DiaShow XP five
Version: 5.7.02 | Demo (EUR 29.90)

Create Slide shows for DVD and PC! Just add your photos and you are done. Are you? Use powerful tools like multi-track timeline, storyboard and layout designer to create stunning animations with movement paths, zooms and camera pans. Synchronize your photos with music or record your own speech. Add texts and choose transitions and text animations. Structure your slide show with chapters so even long slide shows can be handled with ease. Have fun! More…
AquaSoft Earth Pilot
Version: 7.1.01 | Demo (EUR 19.90)

Google Earth flight simulation, makes map videos of flights to your destinations. Experience your journey twice. Insert start and destination, open Google Earth flight simulator and create video. Just take off - Earth Pilot takes care of the rest. Imports your flight into AquaSoft SlideShow 6. Includes Panoramio service for photos from all over the world. More…
AquaSoft Multimediawerkstatt
Version: 2.4.03 | Demo (EUR 39.00)

Multimedia factory for the playful dealing with computers and media for children from elementary school age. Creative platform with many tools for the gentle influencing of the learning process.Painting factory for creating pictures,drawing figures,pasting of images and letters,text bubbles and stamps; Sound factory to record sound and speech; text factory with individual spell checking;Projector factory for self-running presentations;burning CDs More…
AquaSoft PhotoAlbum
Version: 3.2.02 | Demo (EUR 19.90)

PhotoAlbum takes digital photos and creates complete photo books. You can print or email it. Or send your photobook to a print service. PhotoAlbum enhances your desktop. Five easy steps to create photo books. More…
AquaSoft PhotoFlash
Version: 2.0.08 | Freeware
AquaSoft ® PhotoFlash is a free multimedia-browser for images, sounds, videos and MP3s on your PC and network. Through PhotoFlash you keep an overview over your files professionally and intuitively. Search whole folder structures. Files can be dragged into the clipboard and looked at in the preview. Digital cameras provide EXIF-Data, PhotoFlash reads them. PhotoFlash creates slide shows with great transitions. More…
AquaSoft PhotoKalender
Version: 3.6.02 | Demo (EUR 19.90)

AquaSoft PhotoCalender 3 is your photocalender software for printing, desktop, PDF, copyshop and printservice. It comes with plenty of templates and creative functions. You can use it as gift idea and to present your pictures the whole year, including all private and officionals data like birthdaylist or outlook schedules. Comes now with AquaSoft Online printing service. You just load up your calende file and get it back at home by mail. More…
AquaSoft ScreenShow
Version: 4.7.11 | Demo (EUR 9.90)

your slideshow as a screensaver, with directX, usable with AquaSoft SlideShow. Send screenshows per email. Your message for everybody. Optional with music. More…
AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate
Version: 9.0.12 | Demo (EUR 69.90)

Create professional slideshows, photoshows for PC, Beamer, 4K-UHD, Blu-ray, Full-HD, DVD, Internet. Animate and design photos, videos, texts. Plenty of effects, animated Travel routes on different kinds of maps, timeline with 1000 levels. Intelligent templates for ready to use slideshows, just fill in your pictures. Tell your photostory, burn or load up your individual multimedia-show. Where others stop, SlideShow Ultimate takes off. More…
AquaSoft WebShow
Version: 3.0 | Demo (EUR 19.00)
Die AquaSoft ® WebShow ist ein Programm zur Erstellung von Internetseiten aus eigenen Bildern. Eine Webshow entsteht in drei Schritten. Bilder laden, Vorlage auswählen, Webseite erzeugen. Eigene Vorlagen können erstellt, vorhandene Vorlagen verändert werden. Vorschau und Katalogansicht sind vorhanden, EXIF-Daten und beschreibende Texte können genutzt werden. Ideal für die Verbindung von Digitalkamera und Webpräsentation. Passt zur DiaShow XP. More…
Version: 2 | Shareware

Euro in DM und umgekehrt umrechnen. Mehrwertsteuer, brutto, netto ermitteln. Steuersatz ändern. Erscheint als Tray-Icon neben der Uhr. Mit ausklappbarem Ziffernblock. Programm ist im Vordergrund fixierbar. More…