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Kategorie System Utilities / Datei- & HDD-Management (Filter: Evaluation)

EF Commander OS/2-PM

EF Commander for OS/2 is a complete file manager for the OS/2 desktop. If you've ever used and liked Norton Commander, you'll like this dual-windowed program, which comes complete with bubble and online help. You can search directory trees and directories and perform actions, including Run, on files. You can also check file attributes and edit files with search-and-replace and drag-and-drop, and much more... Multilingual. Shareware Mehr…

EF File Catalog

EF File Catalog ist eine komplexe und benutzerfreundliche Katalogsoftware mit vielen Extras. Sie behandelt 7-Zip-, ACE-, ARC-, ARJ-, CAB-, CPIO-, GZIP-, IMG-, ISO- (ISO9660), LHA-, RAR-, RPM-, SFX-, SQX-, TAR-, TBZ-, TGZ-, TXZ-, XZ-, ZIP-, Zip64- und ZOO-Archivdateien wie Ordner und wertet auf Wunsch automatisch die Beschreibungen von z.B. MP3-, Programm- oder Beschreibungsdateien wie FILE_ID.DIZ aus. Mehrsprachig. Shareware Mehr…


This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program adds a menu item to the context menus of shell objects, which displays the directory structure and item size on demand. Mehr…

EF Duplicate Files Manager

EF Duplicate Files Manager hilft Ihnen doppelte Dateien aufzuspüren, die nur Platz auf Ihrer Festplatte oder Ihrem Server verschwenden. Behandelt 7-Zip-, ACE-, ARC-, ARJ-, BZIP2-, CAB-, CPIO-, GZIP-, IMG-, ISO- (ISO9660), LHA-, RAR-, RPM-, SFX-, SQX-, TAR-, TBZ-, TGZ-, TXZ-, XZ-, ZIP-, Zip64- und ZOO-Archivdateien auf Wunsch wie Ordner. Mehrsprachig. Shareware Mehr…

EF Commander Free

File manager, easy to use, full customized (colors, fonts, columns, keys, icons, etc.), tabbed interface, fast FTP client, internal packers, internal viewers, internal text editor, decode UUE, XXE and MIME, verify SFV, MD5, BLAKE3 and SHAx, powerful filters, multilingual, and much more... Mehr…


Side by side display of two text files, directories or ZIP archives. Useful to see the differences between two text files or two sets of files, where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Line editing functions available. Mehr…