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Kategorie System Utilities / Datei- & HDD-Management (Filter: Adware)

EF Commander OS/2-PM

EF Commander for OS/2 is a complete file manager for the OS/2 desktop. If you've ever used and liked Norton Commander, you'll like this dual-windowed program, which comes complete with bubble and online help. You can search directory trees and directories and perform actions, including Run, on files. You can also check file attributes and edit files with search-and-replace and drag-and-drop, and much more... Multilingual. Shareware Mehr…

EF File Catalog

EF File Catalog ist eine komplexe und benutzerfreundliche Katalogsoftware mit vielen Extras. Sie behandelt 7-Zip-, ACE-, ARC-, ARJ-, CAB-, CPIO-, GZIP-, IMG-, ISO- (ISO9660), LHA-, RAR-, RPM-, SFX-, SQX-, TAR-, TBZ-, TGZ-, TXZ-, XZ-, ZIP-, Zip64- und ZOO-Archivdateien wie Ordner und wertet auf Wunsch automatisch die Beschreibungen von z.B. MP3-, Programm- oder Beschreibungsdateien wie FILE_ID.DIZ aus. Mehrsprachig. Shareware Mehr…


This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program adds a menu item to the context menus of shell objects, which displays the directory structure and item size on demand. Mehr…

FileRescue for NTFS

FileRescue for NTFS is an easy-to-use, yet powerful software utility, designed to restore accidentally deleted files and folders. It allows you to recover files that have been deleted from the Recycle Bin, as well as those deleted after avoiding the Recycle Bin (Shift-Delete). It will also recover files deleted by virus attacks and software faults. 100% FREE to try. Mehr…

Secure Data Eraser

Secure Data Eraser protects your computer privacy: wipe files, disk drives/flash memory and unused disk space so your data CAN NEVER BE ACCESSED OR RECOVERED. The program uses either fast or secure erase algorithms. Files and folders can be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure. Both the FAT and NTFS file systems are supported. Mehr…

Aiseesoft Mac iPad Manager Platinum

Aiseesoft Mac iPad Manager Platinum kann Backup von Musik, Film, Fotos, TV-Sendungen, ePub, PDF, Klingeltöne von iPad auf dem Mac machen. Er kann auch lokale Daten wie Audio, Video, Bilderi, usw. zu Ihrem iPad importieren. Außerdem ist das Mac iPad Programm in der Lage, DVD/Video/Audio in iPad-kompatible Formate umzuwandeln und sie zu iPad direkt hinzufügen. Mehr…