Kategorie Netzwerk & Internet / Such- | Nachschlage-Tools (Filter: Freeware)
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PAS - Professionelle Autosuche
Version: | Demo (89,00 EUR)

Seien Sie Ihrer Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus! Sie verbringen den ganzen Tag vor Ihrem Computer und suchen interessante Fahrzeuge? Der Erfolg lässt allerdings zu wünschen übrig, da es fast unmöglich ist die Anzahl der neuen Angebote zu überblicken und dann noch ein Schnäppchen zu finden. PAS nimmt Ihnen die Arbeit ab. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst und testen Sie PAS völlig Gratis und unverbindlich für 7 Tage. Mehr…
Zoom Search Engine Free Edition
Version: 7.1.1022 | Freeware

Zoom is a free package for web developers to add a powerful custom search engine to their website, or CD/DVD, in a matter of minutes. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just index and upload from the convenience of your own Windows computer. Features include: "Google-like" context descriptions, logging and statistic reports, sort by date options, spelling suggestions, and more. Available for PHP, ASP, JavaScript or CGI platforms. Mehr…
Arm Adult Filter
Version: 1 | Freeware

Arm Adult Filter will safeguard web surfing of your children by restricting access to web pages with obscene material, gambling sites and any other resources you consider improper. The software integrates with any browser. It can block web contents, including search results by the specified keywords. It also has adjustable lists of allowed and restricted websites. With Arm Adult Filter your children will browse the web safely for their mind. Mehr…
Version: 2 | Freeware

We all have a list of web sites that are important to us; sites for the software we use, news sites, blogs, etc. While some of these sites change frequently, others remain static for weeks at a time. Visiting all of these sites just to see what's new would take ages, so OutPosted does all of the work for you. Give OutPosted a list of your favorite sites and whenever changes are detected the site is e-mailed to you. Mehr…
Version: 1.3 | Freeware

FreshFind provides instant access to your favorite search engines, saving you the time to fire up your browser and make your way to a search page. The program runs silently in the background (taking up little memory) and is activated by a global hotkey. Then, just type in your search query and hit enter, and you're there. You can add custom search engines and see how much time FreshFind has saved you. Mehr…
Expired Domain Sniffer
Version: 4.2 | Shareware (49,95 USD)

Find expired domain names by browsing the internet, searching yahoo/google, and much more. Expired Domain Sniffer is really lots of programs in one! Many other software sellers have separated these functions into different programs, but our Expired Domain Sniffer combines them all into one program! Mehr…
Alien IP
Version: 2.41 | Shareware (24,95 EUR)

Alien IP will display the country and city of origin of web site visitors, e-mail senders, web hosts, and other IP owners on the world map. It will detect host computer country by IP or web address and resolve the domain name to IP address. Alien IP will help you analyze web log statistics, prevent password leakage, reduce credit-card frauds, determine the origin of e-mail senders, filter access from countries you do not want to do business with. Mehr…
Domain Quester Pro
Version: 6.02 | Shareware (149,95 USD)

Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords. Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names. Choosing ".net without hyphen" or ".com with hyphen" options will often produce quality sounding names if you dont mind that syntax. Mehr…
Link Popularity Monitor
Version: 1.5 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Determine the total number of websites that link to your site, or the value of a domain name, and see how you stand up to the competition. You can even track your sites popularity over time. Mehr…
Find Protected
Version: 2 | Shareware (180,00 USD)

Find Protected die Version 2.0 - ein Windows Tool, das dazu dient, passwortverschlьsselte Dateien auf lokalen Laufwerken und im Netzwerk aufzufinden.
Dieses neue Produkt zielt auf die Sicherheitsprobleme, die durch unerlaubte oder gar illegale Benutzung von vertraulichen Firmendaten entstehen. Mehr…
Zoom Search Engine Professional Edition
Version: 7.1.1022 | Shareware (119,00 USD)

Zoom Standard is a package for web developers to add a powerful custom search engine to their website, or CD/DVD, in a matter of minutes. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just index and upload from the convenience of your own Windows computer. Features include: "Google-like" context descriptions, logging and statistic reports, sort by date options, spelling suggestions, and more. Available for PHP, ASP, JavaScript or CGI platforms. Mehr…
10-Strike MP3-Scanner
Version: 2.1 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Search your local network for MP3 files and other music file formats. Multi-threaded engine searches MP3 files in LAN very fast. Create reports, save playlists, monitor the new files appeared. Discover music you did not even know was on your LAN! If you are a network administrator, find MP3 files that your users hide on servers hogging up space. Mehr…