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Category Education / Science

PL Table

This Periodic Table is an excellent tool for both students and serious researchers. It has over 20 types of data on each element and all known isotopes in customizable, user-expandable tables. All sixteen numeric data types (plus any user-added data) can be corelated in particle or line graphs. Includes a powerful chemical equation balancer that can solve the most complex organic reactions and calculate molecular weights and amounts of reagents More…

Makhaon Worklist Server

Protects the integrity of the patients` data storage in the healthcare provider information system (HIS), as well as provides medical research planning and patients` data transfer to medical devices. Supports integration with HIS and RIS via HL7 protocol and OLE interface. More…

Advanced Pathway Painter

This program visualizes pathways (KEGG, BioCarta, GenMAPP). The user can display any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways (colours represent the value). The linking between the pathway items and the experiment data is done over the gene or protein names and their accession numbers. Furthermore the user has a quick overview on the gene/protein with the collected direct links in the web interface. More…

Snake Eye Vision

Snake Eye Vision. Version 1.0. Some animals, like for example many species of snakes, have poor eyesight, however their eyes are still best at detecting movement. Snakes have been known to glide past creatures that remain motionless. The program simulates vision of the snake eye and demonstrates why the snake is unable to see you when you have stopped moving. The program requires video capture device (e.g. web camera). More…

Data Mining

Learn data mining with easy-to-use examples. Teach computer to add, subtract, Boolean operations, Fishers Iris task and even chess moves with convenient application NeoNeuro Data Mining! You will be amazed how Data Mining learns chess step by step, like a child. Unlike neural nets NeoNeuro Data Mining works fast, can answer 'I dont know' to some questions and manages with multidimensional tasks. More…


PhysProf ist ein Physikprogramm und stellt 70 Unterprogramme, u.a. zu Fachthemengebieten aus den Bereichen Mechanik, Elektrotechnik, Optik und Thermodynamik zur Verf More…