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Kategorie System Utilities / Shell Tools (Filter: Freeware)

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Call Display Screensaver

Program replaces standard unuseful Windows' screensaver. When call is received, program will ring through sound card, show name and number and log a call. Besides that, program will show current day and time on a screen. Mehr…

Bee Icons

Dieses Programm ist ein Muss für alle modebewusste PC-Benutzer, die ihren Desktop auch mal so richtig modisch aussehen lassen möchten. Bee Icons erlaubt Euch mehr als 250 Systemsymbole neu zu gestalten und verschiedene Deko-Themen anzuwenden. Mehr…

Start Menu Catalog

Has your Start Menu become so massive that you are now having problems finding the necessary programs? If that`s true, you definitely need Start Menu Catalog. Just start this program and select the necessary categories for your applications - such as Games, Internet, Screensavers, etc. Your menu will shrink in size and it will be much easier for you to find programs in corresponding categories. Download now and bring order to your Start menu! Mehr…

Key Remapper

Key Remapper erlaubt es, Tastatur- und Maustasten sowie Mausrad zu sperren und umzubelegen, indem man ihnen Werte anderer Tastatur- und Maustasten, das Scrollen des Mausrads bzw. Tastenkombinationen mit Modifizierungstasten zuweist. Weiterhin erlaubt das Programm, Doppelklick auf Maus- oder Tastaturtaste zu emulieren, mit der Möglichkeit, Verzögerungszeit festzulegen. Die Tastenumbelegung kann dabei durch bestimmte Programme eingeschränkt sein. Mehr…

VanDyke ClientPack for Windows, Mac and UNIX

VanDyke ClientPack is a suite of tools for securely automating routine file transfer, shell, and public-key administration tasks, saving you time, reducing potential human error, and increasing compliance with security policies. The ClientPack provides Secure Shell encrypted logon and session data, including vsh port forwarding to secure TCP/IP data, X11 forwarding, and vcp and vsftp for secure SFTP file transfers. Mehr…


If you sometimes have to search for - which of subfolders or files occupy plenty of room , this program is for you. Two clicks and you can see all the sizes of subfolders, hidden files and more. Fast and simple browse through folders, subfolders, and files, and open or delete too. Mehr…