Kategorie System Utilities / Datei- & HDD-Management
Limagito FileMover
Version: | Freeware

Use the Limagito FileMover to move your files from anywhere to anywhere. This file mover automation tool can copy, move or delete files that are added to a specific folder. You can set file and directory filters based on the file name, date and size. Also rename, encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Sold with a free update and upgrade License. Mehr…
Hard Disk Cleanup Software
Version: | Shareware (46,00 USD)

Hard disk files sanitization solution is helpful to increase the performance and speed of computer by eliminating all useless data stored on memory disk. Data cleanup shareware can delete your hard disk data and overwrite it with system-generated data. Software ensures complete data removal so that your private or confidential information (such as username, password, typed URLs and other details) cannot be recovered by any data recovery software. Mehr…
1-abc.net Duplicate Finder
Version: 1.01 | Shareware (14,99 EUR)

Dieses einfach bedienbare Programm hilft Ihnen dabei, doppelte Dateien auf Ihrem Rechner, auf externen Laufwerken, auf CDs, DVDs, USB-Sticks oder Kamerakarten aufzuspüren. Da jeder Anwender unterschiedliche Ansichten darüber hat, was eine doppelte Datei in bezug auf Größe, Name, Datei-Attribute, letzten Dateizugriff usw. ist, kann man selbst bestimmen, wonach das Programm exakt suchen soll. Damach kann man die Dateien löschen, ausführen u.v.m. Mehr…
DiskInternals Boot CD
Version: 1.3 | Freeware

DiskInternals Boot CD lets you boot into fully operational Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server or Vista, complete with the GUI and service applications. To create your bootable Windows CD, download install DiskInternals Boot CD and run the Wizard. The Wizard will prompt you for a CD or DVD that contains Windows XP nr 2003 setup files, and make a new bootable CD that can run Windows from an optical disk without installation. Mehr…
DiskInternals Recovery Server
Version: 1 | Freeware

DiskInternals Recovery Server helps you recover damaged data without touching the remote computer by scanning its hard drives remotely over the network. Utilizing encrypted communication protocols and authenticating authorized users with a login and password guarantee complete security of your data, while data compression ensures minimum bandwidth requirements. It takes just a few kilobytes of data transfers to scan the entire 80 GB partition! Mehr…
Version: 12.13 | Freeware

Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu bearbeite, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.Um oft verwende Ordner schneller aufzurufen, können Sie Favoriten anlegen. Exportfunktionen nach XLS, HTM, CSV und TXT, sowie eine Bildschirmlupe sind auch integriert. Mehr…
Version: 2.9 | Shareware (15,00 USD)

Back2Life is a handy undelete and recovery tool for Windows. Looking similar to Windows Explorer, it provides access to lost files and folders that got beyond the reach of the Recycle Bin because of accidental erasure, virus attack, disk corruption or reformat. Supported file systems are FAT, NTFS and CDFS. Evaluation version has no filesize limit! Mehr…
DiskInternals Raid Recovery
Version: 2.8 | Shareware (249,95 USD)

Recover corrupted RAID arrays in a fully automatic mode. Raid Recovery is the first tool to automatically detect the type of the original RAID array while still allowing for fully manual operation. Raid Recovery is no doubt a highly valuable tool for users of all types of RAID arrays, whether hardware, native, or software. The drag-and-drop user interface allows for easy operation by anyone. Mehr…
MSSQL to MySQL database files conversion
Version: 8.6.6 | Shareware (46,00 USD)

MSSQL to MySQL distributed database converter utility accurately migrate MSSQL database to MySQL server database tables as well as their properties including indexes, Null values, primary foreign key values. Migration tool efficiently supports Unicode architecture and maintains database integrity. Database converter provides interactive GUI wizard and ability to convert only needed selective data tables rather than whole data base quickly. Mehr…
DiskInternals Outlook Recovery
Version: 2.4 | Demo (79,95 USD)

Recover email and repair damaged Outlook databases completely automatically. DiskInernals Outlook Recovery restores your access to email after a hard drive failure or data corruption. It recovers messages, contacts and appointments from damaged email databases, and locates and recovers database files that have been deleted or missing as a result of disk corruption. Mehr…
1-abc.net Folder-To-TXT
Version: 1.01 | Freeware

Dieses kleine, schnelle und einfach bedienbare Programm bietet eine Art Exportfunktion für alle Dateinamen in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis an und speichert mit nur wenigen Klicks das Verzeichnis in eine *.txt-Datei! Und das Beste: Dieses Programm kann absolut kostenlos heruntergeladen und benutzt werden. Nach zehn Tagen ist lediglich eine - natürlich ebenfalls kostenlose - Registrierung bei 1-abc.net notwendig. Mehr…
ViceVersa Free
Version: 1.0.4 | Freeware

Free file sync software for Windows. Start synchronizing files and folders between computers, laptops, desktops, floppy drives, hard-drives, USB drives, Zip drives, network drives. Simply select source and target folders, click "Compare" and get an instant rundown of matching (and non-matching) files. Then sync files and folders. Very fast and free. Designed for Windows XP / Vista. Easy to use, free file sync utility. Mehr…