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Kategorie Sicherheit & Datenschutz / Zugangskontrolle (Filter: Shareware)

Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen

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Scan Station Student Attendance Software

Track student attendance and tardiness. Parents can receive e-mail notification of any infraction occurred. Mehr…

ID Flow Free ID Card Software

Quickly enroll new cardholders, capture photo, lookup and manage existing records and print ID cards one at a time or in batches using the Card Production Center. Mehr…

ID Flow Free ID Card Software

Quickly enroll new cardholders, capture photo, lookup and manage existing records and print ID cards one at a time or in batches using the Card Production Center. Mehr…

Disk Password Protection

Softwarelösung zur Sicherung der Festplatten und Partitionen gegen unbefugten Zugriff und zum Bootsschutz der Betriebssysteme. Schutzen Sie Ihre Festplatten und Partitionen mit Kennworte, beschränken Sie den Zugriff zum Lesen und Ausführen von Dateien an Ihren Festplatten. Stellen Sie den Bootsschutz Ihres Computers ein. Mehr…

DVD Device Lock

Hide or restrict access to removable media devices such as CD, DVD, floppy, flash and USB drives, and deny access to partitions of your hard disk drives with the program. Stop copying data between removable media and hard disk drives, deny access to removable media, protect your PC against unauthorized software installations and prevent data leaks through removable media. Mehr…

ZIP Pointer

Lookup USA and Canada towns by ZIP, postal code or name and show them on a North American map. This helps you to check customer information, verify postal addresses, and reduce credit card fraud. Using the program is simple. Just enter a ZIP Code, and the program gives you the matching city, state, latitude, and longitude. Mehr…