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Kategorie Grafik / Viewer (Filter: Freeware)

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TwinView Edit

TwinView ist ein professioneller, schneller und präziser Dateibetrachter für CAD und DTP Dokumente. Er unterstützt folgende Formate: DXF,DWG, DGN, DWF, HPGL (plt) sowie Rasterformate (Tiff,Jpg) Der Viewer bietet eine Reihe von leistungsstarken Werkzeugen, wie z.B.: - Erweiterte Druckfunktionen - Dateiversand als PDF - Abstandmessung - Markup (Rotstift) Funktion - Textsuche - Zeichnungsvergleich - Stapeldruck - Änderung der Elementeigenschaf Mehr…

Slideshow Screensaver Maker

Create professional looking screensavers with your photos that you can send to your friends and relatives. All you need to do is select photos and choose a name for your screensaver, Slideshow Screensaver Maker will do the rest! Screensavers use special effects for switching between photos and also have a lot of settings, such as the order of photos, effect rate, the number of photos simultaneously displayed on the screen and much more. Mehr…

AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate

Professionelle Diashows erstellen. Das sind Präsentationen oder Fotoshows für PC, Beamer, 4K-UHD, Blu-ray, Full-HD, DVD und Internet. DiaShow kann Fotos, Videos u. Texte animieren, überblenden, zoomen, animierte Reiserouten mit echten Landkarten erzeugen, Musik abspielen. Die Timeline hat über 1000 Spuren, zusätzlich gibt es den Layout-Designer für Live-Vorschau. Intelligente Vorlagen erstellen fertige Diashows in beliebten Themendesigns. Mehr…

Diji Album Viewer

Software for displaying Diji Album files (*.alb). Diji Album files can be created with the Diji Album Editor, free download at http:/ Diji Album files resemble real photo albums and are just as fun and almost as easy to create. Mehr…

i-Fun Viewer

i-Fu. Other features include: Ability to assign text descriptions to images, Twain Scanner and digital camera support Mehr…

ACDSee 9 Photo Manager

ACDSee 9 makes organizing your photos quick and easy, so you can play with and share the great photos you've got. Get Photos fast from any storage device, and ACDSee 9 automatically categorizes your shots based on metadata information (e.g., keywords, size, date taken). You don't even have to lift a finger. You can also use new password protected Private Folders to store confidential information. Mehr…