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Kategorie Entwicklung / C | C++ | C# (Filter: Vollversion)

Graybox OPC Server Toolkit

Graybox OPC Server Toolkit lets the programmer to create robust and highly effective OPC Servers within the shortest possible time. This toolkit eliminates the necessity of implementing all of the numerous OPC interfaces and COM programming. Graybox OPC Server Toolkit supports OPC Data Access 1.00, 2.05a, 3.00. Toolkit can be used with any development environment supporting C++ language and dynamic linking or in any .NET language. Mehr…

Spices.Net Obfuscator

.NET Obfuscator - efficient and easy of use .Net obfuscation tool that protects your .NET software from hackers, competitors, and prying eyes by preventing unauthorized use, code tampering and reverse engineering. Mehr…


The MetaLib SDK includes functions for reading, writing, editing, inserting, sorting and deleting MetaStockTM price data. It is perfect for software developers wanting to create powerful add-on modules for MetaStockTM users. You have no complexities of accessing MetaStockTM data files from your program. As a result, your development time will be shorter. Mehr…

TRichView for Delphi

TRichView ist eine Suite von Delphi Komponenten zum anzeigen, editieren und drucken von Hypertext Dokumenten. Die Komponenten unterstützen verschiedene Attribute wie Schriftarten, farbiger Text, farbiger Hintergrund. Dokumente können Bilder enthalten, Delphi Steuerelemente. Export zu RTF oder HTML und mehr... ScaleRichView ist ein Satz von VCL-Komponenten für das WYSIWYG-Editieren. Mehr…

EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect

Transparsently connect the cloud storage with EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect. EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect is a data storage technique which automatically moves data between local and cloud storage. EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect can help simplify the migration process by providing the transparent file access from the remote storage. Mehr…

UBIQ Mobile

Mobile development made easy! Ubiq Mobile is a cross-platform rapid development environment allowing to quickly build mobile apps for Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone 8 and Java ME mobile devices. Cloud-based architecture enables running your application on a .NET server, while the readily available mobile clients run your apps on all supported mobile devices. Mehr…