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Add-in Express Ltd. (Filter: Shareware)

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This wonderful add-in for Outlook automatically adds BCC (blind carbon copy) or/and CC to your outgoing e-mails based on simple rules you create. It can send BCC of all email messages to the specified addresses, send message copies if subject or attachment name contains certain words, or if e-mails are sent from all or some of your accounts. You can create rules for every occasion, introduce exceptions and use several keywords in one field. Mehr… Duplicate Remover for Excel

Mit diesem Add-In können Sie in Excel-Tabellen Dubletten oder einmalig vorkommende Inhalte finden. Bei der Dublettensuche in einem Bereich oder dem Vergleich zweier Listen unterschiedlicher Spaltenzahl dürfen Sie beliebige Vergleichsspalten wählen. Dubletten können Sie löschen, selektieren, färben oder an einen anderen Ort kopieren (neue Arbeitsmappe, neues/altes Arbeitsblatt). So funktioniert's: Mehr… Random Generator for Excel

Use Random Generator for Microsoft Excel to fill the selected range with unique random numbers, booleans or dates in just one click. Generate passwords with different character sets, e.g. A-Z, 0 - 9, or use any special symbols. Sort randomly values in rows, columns or a range, and fill selected cells with random values from Microsoft Excel custom lists, or your custom lists. The add-in works for Microsoft Excel 2010, 2007, 2003. Mehr… Smart Contacts for Outlook

Smart Contacts for Outlook is an add-in that makes contact management in Outlook simple. It organizes your email recipients into 3 groups: automatically see your recent recipients added, get frequently used contacts and create your own Favorites. You can find all Outlook contacts right from the add-in pane and edit them on the go. When writing an email, see all recipients marked and add or remove others in a click. Mehr… Workbook Manager for Excel

Workbook Manager for Excel add-in works like an Microsoft Excel Task pane and displays all open workbooks and worksheets in a tree-view catalog. You can easily navigate between your Microsoft Excel workbooks, drag sheets across workbooks, sort, rename, delete, re-arrange them and insert dozens of worksheets in a click. The add-in works with Microsoft Office Excel 2010 - 2003. Mehr…

Add-in Express 2007 for VSTO

Use visual designers of this component set to create professional extensions for Microsoft Office in VSTO 2005 (SE) and VSTO 2008. Enjoy lots of advanced features: customize Office 2007 Ribbon UI and Office 2003 toolbars at design-time, add elements to Ribbon tabs, the Quick Access Toolbar and Office Menu and validate the resulting Ribbon XML in no time. C# and VB.NET are supported. Read more at Mehr…