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Category System Utilities / Other (Filter: Demo)

Copy 'n' Paste

Copy 'n' Paste 2.0 stellt Ihnen beliebig viele zusätzliche Zwischenablagen zum Ablegen von Text oder Grafik zur Verfügung. Diese sind per frei wählbarem Hotkey steuerbar (wie Strg+X, Strg+C und Strg+V für die Windows-Ablage) und ihre Inhalte werden in einem übersichtlichen Statusfenster angezeigt. Ideal für Entwickler und Anwender, die Text- oder Bilddaten per Zwischenablage kopieren müssen. More…

Network Serial Port Kit

Network Serial Port Kit - Share and access any serial devices or create virtual null-modem cables over a TCP/IP network or the Internet. More…

Hot Virtual Keyboard

Type like a pro by using a mouse or touch screen! Hot Virtual Keyboard makes previous-generation on-screen keyboards look ancient. Type faster with configurable mouse gestures, launch programs, browse the Internet, and run programmable macros with any of the 70 keyboards included with Hot Virtual Keyboard. The new on-screen keyboard employs advanced typing techniques used in modern mobile phones and communicators such as word auto-complete. More…

Files Search Assistant

With Files Search Assistant you can search text in different file formats, for example in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents, MS Office files (xls, doc). Preview pane and other options make your search efficient and rapid. - Preview Pane - was design to save user form routine job. - There are some features, which make Files Search Assistant especially useful for anyone who works with different documents (different formats and different context). More…

Serial Port Control

Serial Port Control - Easy to use developer component intended for simplification serial port communication tasks in your projects. More…

Key Manager

A key and mouse button remapper with an ability to assign the following actions to regular, long and sequential key presses and key combinations: show an actions menu, paste text, launch a program, open a file/folder, open a web page, press/block a key, key combination, mouse button, rotate the mouse wheel, create a new email, manage windows, manage the computer's sound and power settings, manager the monitor's power settings and much more. More…