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Category Network & Internet / Search | Lookup Tools

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E-Mail Suchmaschine LSM 2002

Die E-Mail-Suchmaschine LSM 2002 sucht im gesamten Internet nach Ihren Vorgaben vollautomatisch und themen- bzw. branchenspezifisch nach EMail-Adressen. Durch benutzerdefinierte Filter kann die Suche den eigenen Anforderungen angepasst werden. Die Suchergebnisse lassen sich mit dem Programm bequem bearbeiten und mit Hilfe eines Export-Assistenten in gängige Formate wie CSV etc. exportieren, um sie z.B. mit Outlook weiter zu verarbeiten. More…

Arch Search Engine

Arch is an open source extension of Apache Nutch (a popular, highly scalable general purpose search engine) for intranet search. Not happy with your corporate search engine? No surprise, very few people are. Arch (finally!) solves this problem. Don't believe it? Try Arch, blind test evaluation tools are included. In addition to excellent search quality, Arch has many features critical for corporate environments, such as document level security. More…

Available Domains Professional Edition

Finds the right domain for your web site. You type in a bunch of keywords that describe you business, and the program generates every possible combination of them. It has several generation modes, most useful are 4 Keywords Mode and Quick Mode. Quick Mode uses Themes and generates domains related to one or several desired Themes. Then domains are used in a Multithreaded Whois and Link Popularity check; it uses several servers to avoid IP ban. More…

Searchable Clickbank Catalog

Search Clickbank from your desktop for free. Are you tired of clicking through the 10,000 products in Clickbank just to find one thing. Find exactly what you are looking for right away. Rebrand this and give it away free to rake in sales. This product has over five ways of making money with it. There is even a way to get these rebranding rights for free. Download it today. What do you have to lose. Perfect for affiliate marketers. New Version. More…

Yahoo Backlink Checker

Freeware Google backlink checker tool find advertiser website link status at publisher site and send mail when link has been removed. Software identify all inlinks, inbound links, java script links and reciprocal links in easy and fastest manner. More…

Forex Trading Toolbar

Die Forex Toolbar ist ein Muss für jeden Forex Trader im Internet. Durch die leichte Bedienung wird ein schneller Zugriff auf die aktuellsten Forex- und Finanznews ermöglicht. More…