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Category Graphic Apps / Editors (Filter: Demo)

AKVIS Enhancer

AKVIS Enhancer is image enhancement software that improves detail on an image, no matter what was the cause of the unsharpness. Enhancer works in four modes. The program detects detail in underexposed, overexposed and mid tone areas of a photo with uneven exposure. It brings into focus blurred images. The program is available as a standalone application and as a plugin to a photo editor. More…

BildCommander 2 - Suite

Der BildCommander ist ein vollwertiges Bildbearbeitungsprogramm, 32-Bit Icon Editor sowie animierte Cursor, Hintergrund auszublenden, Einfügen mit Überblendung, Rahmen erstellen, Viele Effektfilter, Farb-, Kontrast- Helligkeits- und S/W-Einstellungen, Zeichenarten von Airbrush bis Stift, Viele Zeichnen-Funktionen, Effekt-Filter, Farbe ausblenden, Drucken mit Millimetergenauen Einstellungen. Kinderleicht zu bedienen auch für DVD und CD-Cover. More…

Canvas Professional Edition

CANVAS 9 Professional Edition is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. CANVAS 9 is the only cross-platform, technical drawing program that seamlessly integrates professional-level image editing, page layout, web graphics and presentation features into a single creative application. CANVAS 9 continues an 18-year tradition of innovation with over 100 new features and enhancements. More…

Canvas GIS Mapping Edition (Mac)

CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from: 2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems 67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area) 1,052 Map Projections 302 Geodetic Datums 21 Angular units 45 Length units More…

Wacker Art RGB Color Mixer

With the RGB Color Mixer Applet it is possible to define the RGB values of a selected color. The color can be defined with 7 sliders or with a random function. The program requires a browser with Java Plugin 1.4.2. The file does not only contain the java applet in the mixer.jar archive but also the mixer.html file that allows the display of the Applet in a browser. More…

ACD VideoMagic

This automatic digital video software analyzes your video content for color, texture, motion and human faces to find the most exciting moments. It also analyzes your music for tempo and rhythm. The combined digital video production matches the motion and transitions in your original clips with the beat of your music. ACD Video Magic then creates a professional looking music video from your soundtrack, video clips, and images in just minutes. More…