Online TeaTimer / Online TeeUhr
This programme is presented to you by:
Elisabeth-Ernst-Strasse 17a
59394 Nordkirchen
Deutschland / Germany
teatbox-s4u [at] yahoo [dot] com | |
Phone | +49 (2596) 3408 |
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Category: | Desktop / Clocks & Alarms |
Version: | lastone |
Release date: | 2024-10-10 |
Size: | 0.46 |
OS: | Linux / Unix / Windows |
Requirements: | Java, javaws |
Languages: | German |
Downloads: | 0 in March / 340 in total |
Rating: 5.50/10 (26 votes cast)
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Infopage: | |
Online TeaTimer / TeeUhr so that the tea succeeds at the PC workplace, too! ------- Advantage of the used applet technology in relation to the already existing programs of this kind is the serviceability WITHOUT INSTALLATION, WORLDWIDE ON EACH COMPUTER WITH INTERNET ACCESS...... A download of this program is actually not necessary at all, since it is available at any time in the WorldWideWeb for simple and immediate use. ------- At my daily work I constantly sit on other foreign computers of different clients. Often an installation of own software is forbidden and/or technically not possible on these computers. Therefore I can not use the already existing tools, but need a tool that is always and immediately available - platform independent and without installation expenditure. I created this tool with the ONLINE-TEA-TIMER and herewith I offer it for free use. ===== Try the new features of beta release 4.x now..! (20160101)
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Comments on Online TeaTimer / Online TeeUhr
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Jürgen Smolka of Nordkirchen ( Münsterland ) wrote on 2005-11-16:
Hallo Mit-Teetrinker!
Schreibt mir, wenn ihr Anregungen zur Verbesserung
oder Erweiterung dieses kleinen und hoffentlich auch
für euch nützlichen Werkzeugs habt.
Ich versuche diese Vorschläge möglichst kurzfristig
einzubauen, so es meine begrenzten Fähigkeiten
und Zeitreserven erlauben.
Natürlich sind auch alle anderen Anwender - sei es
als Eieruhr, Sanduhr für Online-Spiele, Terminwecker
etc., etc. - herzlich eingeladen dieses Tool zu nutzen
und Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen.
Ciao :-)