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Category Communications / E-Mail Clients (Filter: Freeware)

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1st Email Searcher

1st Email Searcher helps you to search for email addresses in files and folders located on a PC or on the Internet, and place emails to text files. The program lets you find all emails you have on your PC, grab only those of them you need, and place them to files, which can be used by any email program or mass mailer. Extract Emails allows you to filter emails automatically while searching. Just specify a magic filter by selecting allowed domains More…

RSS Captor

RSS Captor is an easy-to-use RSS client that allows you to receive and manage news feeds in a searchable database. It can check your feeds automatically and notify via sound when new items arrive. Watches, a special filtration mechanism, can filter messages you are interested in and put them into special folders. Newsbins allow to store your favorite message. To simply read full versions of articles you can use user-friendly tabbed web browser. More…

Mail Commander Pro

Mail Commander Pro is a full-featured super-fast email program with business contact information manager that does it all - from the everyday sending and receiving of e-mails to managing mailing lists and processing leads. Mail Commander Pro offers business contact management that enables you to organize and manage all contact, offers, and customer information in a single location so you can spend less time looking for information. More…

BirthdayMailer Standard

Die Software kann vollautomatisch personalisierte Geburtstags-E-Mails/SMS im Text- oder HTML-Format inklusive Bildern, Sounds und Dateianhängen am Geburtstag des Empfängers versenden. So kann niemals der Geburtstag von Freunden, Bekannten und Kunden vergessen werden. Der Import der Empfängerdaten ist aus verschiedenen Quellen leicht möglich. Für den Versand der Nachrichten verwendet es einen SMTP-Server, Microsoft Outlook oder einen MAPI-Client. More…

Newsletter Software SuperMailer

This software can send personalized serial mails (for newsletters, marketing campaigns etc.) as plaintext or HTML (with WYSIWYG editor) with attachments using up to 10 threads simultaneous. It is managing the recipients of the message, the email content and the attachments as projects so you can reuse it. It uses a SMTP server, Microsoft Outlook, a MAPI capable client or a PHP script to send emails. More…

SuperSpamKiller Pro

Entfernen Sie lästige Spam-Mails (Werbemails) aus Ihren POP3-, IMAP-, und Hotmail-Postfächern bevor Sie Ihre E-Mails aus dem Postfach abholen. Die Software prüft in regelmäßigen Abständen Ihre Postfächer, weist Sie auf den Eingang neuer Nachrichten hin und kann automatisch anhand von frei definierbaren Filtern oder mit Hilfe des Bayes-Filters Spam-Mails löschen. Der eingebaute POP3-Server ermöglicht es ebenfalls Spam-Mails zu kennzeichnen. More…