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Category Business / PIMS & Calendars (Filter: Demo)

Danica Patrick 2009 Calendar for Macintosh

This stunningly produced calendar features Indy Racing League star Danica Patrick. It's packed with lots high quality photographs and graphics that capture Danica in action both on and off the track. This is a full featured award winning calendar program and the only software calendar you'll need all year long. More…

DD Personalplaner Professional

Professionalversion des DD Personalplaners, geeignet für noch höhere Anforderungen und komplexere Planungen. Zusätzliche Funktionen u.a. automatisierter Versand der Dienstpläne per Email (als PDF Anlage), Handling von Mitarbeitergruppen, Planung mit Hilfe von definierbaren Schichten, erweiterte Filterfunktion in den Planungsansichten Tages- und Wochenansicht, zusätzliche Planungsansichten (Planungsmanager). Weitere Unterschiede siehe Homepagelink More…

Agenda At Once Free PIM

At last, an easy-to-use but powerful PIM and To-Do Windows application - with a flexible interface that really supports you in managing your personal data. Agenda At Once combines the best aspects of other personal organizer applications. It's a complete PIM system, integrating to-do management, scheduling and planning, contact and note functions. In addition, it is easy to use and responsive, while being feature-packed but not power-hungry. More…

CRM Plus Personal Edition

CRM-Plus 18 ist eine professionelle Adress-, Kontakt-, Informations- und Kundenbeziehungsmanagement-Software, die speziell fuer die Anforderungen des Mittelstands entwickelt wurde. Mittelstaendische und kleine Unternehmen koennen ihre Datenbasis, ihr Kontaktmanagement optimal organisieren und damit Wettbewerbsvorteile sichern. CRM-Plus buendelt Information & Wissen, Organisation & Routine, Aufgaben & Kalender und vor allem das Wie & Wer. More…

Member Organizer Pro

Member Organizer Pro is a flexible member management software for Windows users. Member Organizer Pro is a flexible database management software with ready to use member management solutions. Our software gives you an easy way to manage, track, and organize data of small organizations, sociaties, clubs, camps, interest groups, associations, health clubs, ..... More…

Rental Calendar

Rental Calendar is designed for individuals and businesses, operating in the rental market. With its help, renters can keep track of rental units and plan to rent out resources, more efficiently than usual. The program has a handy interface to calculate and show the term of lease, helping you to make decisions quickly. There are also searching and exporting options, as well as the abilities to back up and protect the database with a password. More…