Category Business / Accounting & Finance
Peachtree Password Recovery
Version: 1.0g | Shareware (EUR 29.95)

Peachtree Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords for Peachtree Accounting company files. All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. Multilingual passwords are supported. More…
Asset Manager Enterprise Edition
Version: 4.3.1007 | Shareware (USD 799.00)

Never lose track of your assets again - Implement Asset Management in your business with Asset Manager 2025. Print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees, or track your assets by their existing barcodes. Attach Owner's Manuals, service logs, and more to maintain a complete history for each of your assets. Asset Manager 2025 is easy to use and you can get started quickly. Visit us at: More…
Vladovsoft Fitorg
Version: 7.0.2 | Shareware (USD 249.00)

Vladovsoft Fitorg is an easy to use gym management software. It lets you easily track all membership details, bookings, deliveries and sales in your club, which makes it an ideal solution for gyms, health clubs, fitness centers, etc. When you start the program for the first time enter 'admin' for username and 'admin' for password to log in. More…
Version: 3.5.23 | Shareware (EUR 19.95)

This user-friendly software manages all your business trips, expenses, allowances for travels in Deutschland and abroad. You can enter all the expenses you had on the journey, divided into special categories. The software calculates the daily allowances and takes care of all the deductions to be made according to the German Government regulations. All the data regarding allowances since 1999 is in the program. More…
Purchase Order Organizer Deluxe
Version: 4.21 | Shareware (USD 75.00)

Purchase Order Organizer Deluxe is a flexible purchase order management software for Windows users. Our software solution helps all kinds of companies and organizations to create, process, and track purchases. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use purchase order management solution make it easy to set up and use. More…
ManagePLUS Gold for QuickBooks
Version: 3 | Shareware (USD 229.00)

ManagePLUS is a management reporting add-on for QuickBooks, emphasizing cost- and profit-center reporting for Classes, plus special quantity handling & reporting features: (1) Detailed Class breakdowns in the P&L. (2) Supports TWO quantities per transaction! (3) Per-unit income & cost reporting for quantities. (4) Spreadsheet-based reports let you play "what-if" in any report. WORKS WITH: U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2003 and later. More…
Invoice Organizer Pro
Version: 3.2b | Shareware (USD 245.00)

Invoice Organizer Pro is a flexible invoicing and billing software for all kinds of professionals such as lawyers, artists, constructors, developers, consultants, field experts, designers, architects, accountants, programmers, consultants, landscapers, doctors, gardeners, ... our invoice software is for anyone who bills for labor and/or material. More…
Sales Orders Organizer Pro
Version: 3.2b | Shareware (USD 245.00)

Sales Orders management system for Windows. A simple sale orders processing system for small businesses. Our sales orders management solution will help you with following activities in your business: Easily manage and track your customer data. Organize your product inventories. Process sales orders, track quotes and shipments. Produce invoices, mailing labels, shipping lists, summary reports. Process and track payments. More…
Version: 5.6 | Shareware (EUR 46.41)

QDXport is a program for converting Quicken postings (QIF) into Datev format. You may assign Quicken accounts and categories to Datev nominals. With balance summaries and detai lists by accounts and nominals. Online help. Supports all Quicken- /FinanzManager-versions and the new DATEV-Interfaceformat. With multicompany support. Only german language available. More…
Euro-Fahrtenbuch 2025
Version: 20.0.0 | Shareware (EUR 39.95)

Itinerary reporting software 2025 with optional GPS device. Itinerary reporting with Euro-Fahrtenbuch complies with the legal requirements in Germany. Journeys can be created and passed on to the software Euro-Reisekosten. The software can be used in other countries as well. More…
Buchhaltungssoftware TZ-EasyBuch
Version: 2025.01.07 | Shareware (EUR 109.00)

Kleingewerbetreibende und Freiberufler erstellen mit der Buchhaltungssoftware TZ-EasyBuch ihre komplette Buchhaltung, von der Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung per ELSTER bis zur Einnahmen-Überschussrechnung, bequem und kostengünstig selbst. Auch bilanzierende Unternehmen, die mit einem Steuerberater zusammenarbeiten (so genannte Selbstbucher), können mit TZ-EasyBuch einfach ihre Buchungen erfassen. Mit integrierter Faktura und Lagerverwaltung. More…
easy-bill Rechnungen
Version: 8 | Demo

Inkl. Rechnungs-, Kunden-, Offene Posten- und Artikelverwaltung exklusives Design der Rechnungen durch Einbindung Ihres Logo´s! Umfangreiche und einfache Angebotserstellung und individuelle Daten für einzelne Kunden (Skontosätze), individuelle Artikeldaten, individuelle Rechnungs- und Mahnungstexte und Lieferdatum für jeden Artikel einzeln verfügbar. In nur 2 Schritten zur fertigen Rechnung! More…