Category Graphic Apps / CAD (Filter: Shareware)
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Total GIS View Server
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (USD 295.00)
Total CAD View Server is a reliable full featured CAD viewer. An ActiveX control allows you viewing and printing CAD drawings via your Internet Explorer browser. No other additional software is required. The control is very small in size to provide fast downloading. Giving access to any number of authorized users to your content information has never been so simple. Try the free trial version now to explore its features and benefits. More…
DWG Recovery Toolbox
Version: 2.0.1 | Shareware (USD 99.00)
Get DWG Recovery Toolbox and restore corrupted images of AutoCAD format anytime you encounter the damage of DWG illustrations. You may keep on working with backup copies like before and use this application to restore the latest modifications that are absent in regular backups. In the same time, backups are no longer needed because you may easily process corrupted DWG files anytime you encounter data corruption problems. More…
OrthoGraph Architect
Version: 2.0 | Shareware (EUR 139.00)
OrthoGraph Architect supports floor plan sketching and measurement on-site using a PDA. The measured drawings are shown in real time. Measured rooms or graphical parts are ordered into a structural view. Floating islands, or ghost layers, help users attach rooms to one another. The system supports many Leica Distos via bluetooth. Default output formats of OrthoGraph Architect are 2D/3D DWG, SKP and PDF, but other formats are supported as well. More…
OrthoGraph Survey
Version: 2.0 | Demo (EUR 899.00)
OrthoGraph Survey is a professional surveying solution for building surveys (i.e. floor plan, elevation and section surveys). It supports floor plan sketching and measurement using a PDA/Windows Mobile. The software shows measured drawings in real time and creates an AutoCAD compatible drawing. Measured rooms or graphical parts are ordered into a structural view. The software supports Leica Disto D3a BT and D8 via Bluetooth and 2D/3D DWG formats. More…
Version: 3.10.0000 | Shareware (EUR 114.80)
Für den Umgang mit 2DEasy benötigen Sie keine kostenintensive Schulung. Das Programm ist selbsterklärend, überschaubar und sehr leicht zu lernen.
2DEasy ist das ideale Werkzeug für kleine und mittelständige Dienstleistungsunternehmen, die als nicht professionelle CAD-Anwender am Datenaustausch einer Projektkette gebunden sind.
Durch unsere flexible Macrosprache, generieren wir Spezialfunktionen in kürzester Zeit. More…