Category Graphic Apps / Editors
Version: 2.9 | Shareware (EUR 35.00)

Bildbearbeitung speziell für digitale Fotos. Leicht bedienbare Funktionen mit Vorschau: vom Entfernen roter Augen über Helligkeits-, Kontrast-, Farb- und Schärfe-Einstellungen bis zur Kissenentzerrung und Korrektur stürzender Linien. Erhalt der Exif- und IPTC-Daten. Automatische Bildoptimierung i2e, Xe847, PerfectlyClear. Hochwertige Druckerausgabe von mehreren Bildern pro Seite bis Panoramen über mehrere Seiten. Bildvermessung, Plugins uvm. More…
Heyer's Adventskalender
Version: 3.02 | Shareware (EUR 15.00)

Mit dem Programm können Adventskalender entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Adventskalender schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Adventskalender kann in weitem Rahmen frei gestaltet werden. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…
Version: 1 | Shareware

Picture-shark gives you the ability to watermark and copyright your picture galleries. You can use logos, text or any other images. With its wizardlike interface you can easily create impressive results. Picture-shark processes hundrets of pictures each minute. It supports transparence and realtime preview. The unique feather feature generates smart edges with one click. and the best: It's free. More…
Version: 25 | Shareware (EUR 79.00)

PhotoLine, imaging processig, layout, vector editor, batch converter and web editor. 64 Bit application, CMYK, Lab, 16/32 bit per channel, ICC profiles, Raw data. Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and flood fill, many special effects, dynamic layer effects and working layers. Support of many picture formats, animated GIFs, multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filter, action recording, animations, poster and label printing. More…
PhotoLine macOS
Version: 25 | Shareware (EUR 79.00)

PhotoLine, imaging processig, layout, vector editor, batch converter and web editor. 64 Bit application, CMYK, Lab, 16/32 bit per channel, ICC profiles, Raw data. Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and flood fill, many special effects, dynamic layer effects and working layers. Support of many picture formats, animated GIFs, multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filter, action recording, animations, poster and label printing. More…
PicMaster - 1001 Fotoeffekte
Version: 6 | Shareware (EUR 29.90)

Funktionen: Bildbearbeitung, Filter, WebCam, Bildshows, Digitalkamera, Morphing, 3D Bilder, Videobild einfangen, Scannen, Photo Alben, Posterdruck...Tausende Photoshop® kompatible Filter aus dem Internet einbindbar.Über 1000 Filter bereits enthalten. Morphen Sie Personen in andere Personen. Vergrößern Sie Nasen/Ohren. Nehmen Sie Tonkommentare zu Ihren Bildern für Ihre Bildershow auf.Die Dialoge sind bedienungsfreundlich und mit Vorschau. More…
Heyer's Karten-Studio
Version: 5.01 | Shareware (EUR 29.00)

Mit dem Programm können Einladungen, Gruß- und Glückwunschkarten etc. entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Karten-Studio schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Karte frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Mit integrierter Seriendruck-Funktion. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…
LineMap Draw Home
Version: 1.1 | Demo (EUR 29.00)

Software for the creation of line network plans. A line network plan, also called network spider, is used for the schematic representation of public transport networks. lineMap Draw is used to first enter the existing stations and lines and then draw the line network plans. The plans can then be scaled, printed or saved. LineMap Draw is available in different versions for different screen resolutions. More…
Watermark Software
Version: 8.3 | Shareware (USD 24.90)

If you are sharing photos to network, you never know what will happen. Someone could take the photos for their own use,or Malicious revised, you might never even know. Watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator. It can helps you add text,image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights, only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use. More…
Batch Photo Resizer
Version: | Shareware (EUR 26.99)

Batch Photo Resizer is a simple yet rich user experience and full-featured photo resizer utility. You can resize, convert, rename, sort, rotate, flip, stretch and adjust your photos (or images, pictures) in batch mode with the tiny tool. The powerful program will help you change multiple photos from digital cameras or other devices in one time, automate and simplify duplicate tasks and save you a lot of time. More…
Watermark Software for Business
Version: 4 | Shareware (USD 49.90)

If you are sharing photos to network, you never know what will happen. Someone could take the photos for their own use,or Malicious revised, you might never even know. Watermark Software for Business is a professional photo watermark creator. It can helps you add text,image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights, only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use. More…
Version: 4.1 | Shareware (USD 19.90)

SWF to GIF is a SWF to GIF converter, which can change the file format of flash from SWF into GIF. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document. SWF to GIF can optimize the output, ensuring the same quality, the smallest document. More…