Category Development / Other (Filter: Shareware)
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Professional .NET Obfuscator
Version: 8.7.1 | Shareware (USD 249.99)
Professional .NET Obfuscator is protection software for .NET code security. It implements all known software obfuscation methods and .NET app protection algorithms. Disallows deciphering; Protected .NET app mostly is not recompilable; Runs any .NET application, executable, assembly; Encrypts string constants; Control flow obfuscation blocks decompilers; Changes class names, method names, field names etc. More…
DTM Test XML Generator
Version: 1.20.04 | Demo (USD 139.00)
DTM Test XML Generator creates a set of XML documents with same structure for testing purposes. It has a few built-in data generators: integers, strings, date/time values, address, e-mail, IP-address, zip codes, etc. Also, it has value library with lists of names, countries, streets, companies, etc. The test document preview feature makes data generation more visible and intuitive. Import option allows to load structure from existing XML file. More…
sevWizard ActiveX
Version: | Shareware (EUR 49.00)
Ein ActiveX-Control, mit dem sich im Handumdrehen eigene Assistenten (Wizards) im Look & Feel von Windows 2000/XP erstellen lassen. Einsetzbar in VB4/5 und VB6. More…
sevMenuXP ActiveX
Version: 1.0.15 | Shareware (EUR 49.00)
Erstellen Sie professionelle Menüs im modernen Office/XP-Style - natürlich mit freier Farbgestaltung, Schriftart und Bildsymbolen, SecondChoice-Einträgen, ToolTips, Hintergrundbilder und vieles mehr. Die "SecondChoice"-Option (2. Auswahl) erlaubt es bestimmte Menüeinträge zunächst auszublenden, die dann erst per Knopfdruck innerhalb des Menüs angezeigt werden - auf Wunsch auch mit einer anderen Hintergrundfarbe... More…
sevMail ActiveX mit ZIP-Funktionalität
Version: 1.0.1 | Shareware (EUR 69.00)
Mails senden, abrufen und decodieren - ganz easy ;-) (für VB6)
Das SMTP Control sendet, das POP3 Control empfängt und der Mail-Parser (Klassenobjekt) decodiert empfangene Mails im
Handumdrehen - natürlich unter Berücksichtigung von Multi-Part MIME Nachrichten, Anlagen u.v.m. Auf Wunsch zippt die
Komponente Dateianlagen, um die Mail so klein wie möglich zu halten. Die Komponente unterstützt auch SMTP-AUTH Server... More…
Refractor freeware .NET Decompiler
Version: 1.6.9 | Freeware
Refractor .NET decompiler is free developer tool designed to enable easy .NET assembly browsing and decompiling. The tool built on years of experience in code analysis and development productiveness specially created for Skater .NET obfuscator, RustemSoft's .NET code protection software. .NET assembly browser and decompiler lets you explore and analyze without exertion compiled .NET assemblies, decompiling code with the simple click of a button More…
Visual Studio Decompiler
Version: 7.3.8 | Shareware
You wrote a VB.NET application for a client a couple of years ago, but you no longer have the source code of the .NET app. All you have is the EXE deployed on the client's PC. Is there a way you can generate VB.NET source code from the EXE? Skater .NET obfuscator has been expanded with .NET assembly browser and decompiler that converts executable files (EXE/DLL) from Intermediate Language (IL, MSIL, CIL) binary format to C#/VB.NET source codes. More…
DTM OLE DB Provider List
Version: 2012 | Freeware
DTM OLE DB Provider List is a free command line tool that enumerates or export to text file the list of installed OLE DB Providers. The text file generated by the tool is ready to open by Excel. There are two output format: brief and full. The program is handy tool for developer, database administrator and advanced user who deals with OLE DB connectivity. It is suitable for batch execution and compatible with Windows and third party schedulers. More…
Version: 1.0.7 | Shareware (EUR 59.00)
Erstellen von Datenträgeraustausch-Dateien für den beleglosen Zahlungsverkehr - mit integriertem BLZ-Verzeichnis, Kontonummern- und Kreditkarten-Prüfverfahren. Standard-DLL (keine ActiveX-DLL) für den Einsatz unter Visual Basic, VBA, MS-Access, Delphi und .NET. Inkl. ausführlicher Beispielprojekte und moderner HTML-Hilfe. Erhältlich als Einzel-/User Firmenlizenz oder als volle Entwicklerlizenz. Vierteljährliche Datenupdates - absolut kostenlos! More…
UIChart iOS component
Version: 1.4.9 | Shareware (USD 189.99)
The Rustemsoft UIChart control enables to create iOS apps with simple, intuitive, and visually compelling chart for complex statistical or financial analysis in different graph types that include Pie, Bar, Line, Cylinder, Area, and other chart types. You can use the UIChart control to show graphs of a small amount of data, or you can scale it to show charts of very large sets of data. More…
Freeware Visual Studio 11 NET Obfuscator
Version: 8.8.3 | Freeware
Skater .NET Obfuscator Freeware Light Edition for Visual Studio 11 is a variant of the reputable Skater .NET Obfuscator, a code-protection tool for .NET app obfuscation. The Light version is the Free edition of Skater .NET Obfuscator. The protection tool has been developed to assist you stand guard .NET apps when sending them to other users for both commercial and personal usages. .NET Obfuscator executes popular software protection techniques More…
XMLFox Advance XML Editor
Version: 8.3.3 | Shareware (USD 99.99)
XML editing and validation tool XMLFox Advance editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox schema editor enables you to easily develop advanced data models expressed in XSD Schema. It is the XML Schema Editor to provide a synchronized split-pane interface that simultaneously shows both a visual XML Schema representation and the XML code content, with changes in one tab instantly reflected in the other. More…