Category Business / Office Suites & Tools
Advanced Find & Replace for Excel
Version: 4.5.4 | Shareware (USD 29.95)
With Advanced Find & Replace for Microsoft Excel, you can simultaneously search in all open Excel workbooks by partial or whole matching. All found items are displayed in a tree-view, so you can replace data directly in search results. Find all at once - no need to click the "Find next" button time and again. You can search in Excel values, formulas, comments, and hyperlinks concurrently, replace all search results or a selected range, and more. More…
Remove Owner Password of Pdf
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.31)
AWinware pdf security remover application helps in decrypting Adobe pdf documents to enable printing, copying & editing quickly. Tool is sufficient enough in removing owner password from bulk pdf files. An encrypted pdf may have 128 bit or 256 bit long encryption key to encrypt document data either using RC4 or AES method. Our advanced utility supports all such encryption security breaking for which you have forgotten owner password. More…
Image right click option to make pdf
Version: | Shareware (EUR 19.29)
Download and install AWinware Image to Pdf converter tool to embed the conversion option in image file right click context menu. Choose Image right click option to convert JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG graphics into pdf document. Tool also provides option to create a single pdf of multiple images by choosing the image folder right click context menu option. More…
AWinware Split Pdf by Blank Pages
Version: | Shareware (EUR 36.21)
AWinware pdf blank page splitter program is Windows desktop utility which helps in making multiple parts of a large pdf from the position of blank page index. Pdf splitter tool quickly removes all the blank pages from pdf as well. Pdf blank page remover is consolidated functionality application providing both the options split pdf & remove blank pages. More…
Remove pdf restriction to print
Version: 1.3 | Shareware (USD 19.95)
Axommsoft pdf restriction remover tool is easy to use and advanced desktop solution to enable printing & copying in pdf document by removing owner password from pdf document. It is Windows 8 compatible solution to recover bulk pdf file. Pdf restrictions remover tool is best solution if you have forgot your pdf owner password and now unable to access document for printing, copying or content editing. More…
AWinware Pdf Splitting Merging
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.11)
AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro is professional utility breaks a large pdf into multiple smaller parts. Tool is capable to combine two or more pdf documents as well. This consolidated functionality application is Windows 8 ready. Sometimes it may be required to merge some specific pages of multiple pdf file instead of all pages, or the condition may be to split out some specific pages only; AWinware pdf split merge fulfill all these needs. More…
Unlock Lost Password Pdf
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.11)
If you have lots of document protected with owner password restrictions, which disallow you to permit print document, edit file or copy pdf content, try pdf security removal application, support decryption of advance RC4 and AES encryption protection, even document is protected with 128 bit or 256 bit strong key. Pdf password breaker tool allows all permissions in seconds and decrypt bulk pdf files. More…
Insert or Replace page in Pdf at Index
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.47)
AWinware Pdf Page Replace tool is consolidated functionality tool to insert or replace existing pdf pages with another pdf. Apart from that, users are also allowed to push blank pages at specified indexes of pdf document. This batch file processing utility helps in modifying pages of bulk pdf documents. Pdf page replace program not only replace but also insert new pages from another pdf. More…
Split or Merge Acrobat Pdf
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.47)
AWinware Pdf split merge professional application provides you the capable hand to re-organise your pdf document easily by adding, deleting, extracting & inserting pages quickly. This easy to use app lets user to add or insert blank pages in pdf at specified indexes. Merger lets users to combine 2 or more pdf documents together to create a single pdf. Split & extract features helps in breaking large pdf into parts. More…
Draw Pdf Watermark Quickly
Version: | Shareware (EUR 16.23)
Looking for a solution to create mark on pdf pages of copyright or specimen, here is the tool, AWinware Pdf Watermark. It easily can draw a diagonal text of your string on each page. Apart from this, it can also create mark on header and footer. Configure the application to make a stamp of file name on each page at run time. If you don?t wish to draw the text on each page, you can specify the page numbers to draw the string. More…
Extract all images from Pdf
Version: | Shareware (EUR 18.47)
No copy paste needed to save images of pdf document, extract out all the images in original format automatically. Program is very robust & Windows OS compatible, takes bulk pdf for processing & exports all photos in their respective folder. Using this application, you can extract JPG, GIF, BMP, & TIFF bitmaps in original size & file format. More…
AWinware Pdf Security Remover Update
Version: | Shareware (EUR 17.60)
AWinware Pdf Security Remover v1.0.1.6 is latest release developed to unlock forgotten password from your Adobe pdf documents. Right click on file menu option to use shortcut for removing security. It is common issue that users forgot their pdf actual password and later they need to unlock pdf for permitting pdf for changing, copying or printing etc work. Enable pdf editing, printing & copying in pdf with our advanced & easy to use solution. More…