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Crazy Pegs

33 pegs are in holes on a cross-shaped gamefield. One hole in the middle is free. Move one peg from one hole to the other in sticking it into an empty hole behind another peg and removing the peg having just been jumped over. In the end only one peg will be left. More…

Crazy Rotary

Crazy Rotary is a collection of puzzles, which have one in common: Rotate plates, rings, balls, disks or s.e. and put them in a definite order. You can play the games against the time or just for fun. True color graphics, sound effects, animations and several difficulty-levels make the puzzles again and again to a challenge for all people between 8 and 80. More…

Crazy Stix

It will be possible to create 55 different figures with the 5 sticks connected together, turned or mirrored figures excluded. The aim of the game is, to re-lay these 55 figures in short time by moving sticks. Choose the figure, you are going to re-lay carefully, because if you move more than one stick, it will be unfavourable for your score. More…

Crazy Sumz

Crazy Sumz is a collection of four games based on sums and numbers. You turn the Numble-plates to equalize their dots, you look for then Pit-chains, you swap the numbers in the Circum-rings or you try to find out the numerals behind the Symacus-symbols. All exercises you do in the least of time to let your score rise higher and higher. True color graphics, sound effects, animations and several difficulty-levels make the games again and again to a More…

Multimedia Lernkartei Werkstatt

Multimediales Lernprogramm nach dem Prinzip der Lernkartei. Durch regelmaessige aktive Wiederholungen des Lernstoffs kann der Kampf gegen das Vergessen gelingen. Nur wenig Zeit ist noetig, um einmal Gelerntes im Gedaechtnis zu behalten, vorausgesetzt, man lernt regelmaessig. Der vorliegende Programmteil "Werkstatt" dient zum Erstellen der Fragensammlungen. More…