CELLARD.COM (Filter: Shareware)
The following programmes are presented to you by:
25 rue des plaines
25 rue des plaines
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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter
Version: 1.34 | Shareware (EUR 40.00)
Software with 4 functions :.Printing of labels that can have up to 3 barcodes, 10 text lines, 5 fixed text lines.These labels can be fully defined by the user. The labels are printed from datas on the database of the software. Generate a barcode and export it on an image file or in the clipboard. Batch Export of barcodes on images files. EAN13 , EAN8 , Code39, Code128 (A,B,C) , code_2_5,Code93,CodeMSI,PostNet,Codabar,UPC (A,E0,E1,S2. More…
Version: 1.23 | Shareware (32.00)
Mit Diesem Tool können Sie Etiketten mit Texten, Barcodes, Bilder, Linien und Vierecke bedrucken. Verfeinern Sie ihren Grobentwurf im WYSIWYG-Modus. Prüfsummen Generator für die folgenden Strichcodes: EAN13, EAN8, UPC-C ISBN SSCC EAN14 sind ebenfalls vorhanden. Erzeugung der Barcodes: EAN13, EAN8, Code39, Code128 , code_2_5, Code93, CodeMSI, PostNet, Codabar, UPC, EAN128 (EAN14 , SSCC , UCC ) More…
Version: 1.55 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)
Software with Wheels for Euromillions lottery (European lotto- Euromillions , Euromillones, Euromilhões ) that permit to optimize the play.
Direct printing on boards ( French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Swiss,Belgium,Austria), .
The software permits also to use wheels on external text files, this function permits to access to an illimited numbers of wheels.
8 free wheels on the shareware version More…
Version: 3.83 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)

Optimize your Keno boards with the help of wheeling systems!
The program can print directly the slips (on French Keno , Quebec Banco , Ontario Daily Keno , German Keno , Croatia Keno , Belgique keno , Suisse Banco and Suisse Bancojass) and has a module that shows rapidly the number of good number in each board played.
8 free wheels on the shareware version More…
Version: 4.24 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)
Wheels to optimize play on pick 6 lotteries. Direct printing on slips . Permits to use external wheels on text file. 8 free wheels on shareware version . Ecoloto can print directly on the canadians (ontario and quebec), frenchs, israelians, swiss ( loto loterie romande , lotto swisslos , toto-x sport-toto ), english ( new lotto ticket) , marocco, spanish, belgium, deutchland, portorico,florida tickets, South Africa lotto tickets ... More…
Version: 3.87 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)

Reduced systems for soccer betting games : for lotofoot, lotosportif,1X2 toto, totto, Loteca, totobola, quiniela , 1x2 games (soccer betting games on 8 ,9,10,11,12,13, 14 , 15 soccer matchs). It can print direcly on the many tickets ( lotofoot , quiniela , totocalcio , loteca , progol , 13er-wette , 11er-wette .. and others) . Permits to download the name of the teams of several games. ENGLISH , FRENCH PORTUGUESE ITALIAN CROATIAN SPANISH GERMAN More…
Version: 1.46 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)
This Softwares permits to print EAN-13 barcodes on differents type of labels pages . It permits to use criterias when printing. It has an import function that permits to import the datas from csv file.
English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese,Croatian More…
Version: 2.05 | Shareware (EUR 21.00)

Softwareto track soccer leagues.
Up to 30 teams per league.
Many parameters for tables. Many graphical statistics. The punctuation system can be tottaly adjust for each league and permits to track any league
Export to html. Forecast function. With the database of results of : France, England, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Deutschland. More…