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Kategorie System Utilities / Backup & Wiederherstellung

Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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4Videosoft Mac iPhone Manager für ePub

4Videosoft Mac iPhone Manager für ePub hilft Benutzern, ePub/PDF Dateien direkt von Mac zu iPhone zu übertragen und auch iPhone ePub und PDF zur Sicherung auf Mac oder iTunes zu speichern. Diese Software ist auch dazu fähig, iPhone E-Bücher zu übertragen. Benutzer können ePub und PDF zu Mac zum Backup ohne Qualitätverlust übertragen. Diese Software kann andere iOS-Geräte unterstützen, wie z,B iPad, iPod touch und auch die neuste iOS Version. Mehr…

Apeaksoft iPhone Data Recovery

Apeaksoft iPhone Data Recovery ist eine professionelle iPhone-Datenwiederherstellungssoftware, mit der verlorene Nachrichten, Kontakte, Anruflisten, Notizen, Sprachnotizen, WeChat-Daten usw. direkt von iOS-Geräten oder aus iTunes / iCloud-Sicherungsdateien wiederhergestellt werden können. Es unterstützt verschiedene tragbare iOS-Geräte, einschließlich iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch usw. Mehr…

Windows Data Recovery Software

Windows hard disk drive partition data recovery software Utility to restore accidentally deleted formatted files folders. Recover FAT32 FAT16 FAT VFAT NTFS NTFS5 corrupted volume. Retrieve damaged file allocation table root directory MFT MBR master boot record master file table dos boot record restoration retrieval tool. Undelete crashed hard disk logical drives audio video mp3 songs pictures images photos support ATA SATA SCSI IDE EIDE Mehr…

iPod Deleted Data Recovery Tool

iPod data retrieval tool rescue your lost jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, tiff images and pictures. Recovery utility restores your damaged or deleted Macintosh, apple loss less audio, video songs, mp4, m4a, m4v, m4b music files. Program is non destructive and read only software that work with all types of iPods like classic, mini, shuffle, nano, touch, Hi-Fi and first generation iPod. Software supports all brands of iPod like Samsung, Toshiba, Hitachi etc. Mehr…

How to Recover Data

Advance data recovery application helps to know How to Recover Data from accidently crashed hard disk within affordable manner, that provides easiest way to rescue misplaced or missing file from laptop due to software malfunction or any other data loss reason. Easy to download data recovery tool is developed to retrieve corrupted or damaged text document, image and song file from virus infected storage device within minimal time and efforts. Mehr…

Digital Pictures Recovery

Digital Pictures recovery utility recovers accidentally deleted photographs. Software undeletes lost images restore formatted photos. Tool retrieve accidentally damaged digital camera and mobile phone multimedia memory cards photograph. Utility unerase sD, xD, secure digital, compact flash cards picture hard disk drive corrupted and inaccessible photo snaps. Read only and non destructive software shows thumbnail preview of recovered picture files Mehr…