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Kategorie Servers / Sonstige Server-Anwendungen (Filter: Adware)

Log Monitor Export

Log Monitor Export enables users to monitor multiple remote or local log files and send off notifications about user-defined events within binary or text files. Collects local log file rows, monitors file, writes records from log files to a database, MS Excel files or manifold other targets. Perfect functionality at an affordable worth! Mehr…

Office PDF Server

Office PDF Server is an enterprise-wide electronic document management software solution, which simplifies PDF creation in one flexible and easy-to-maintain server-side process. The software offers everyone in your organization the ability to create and edit their PDF files on demand, at anytime. PDF files can be created from any printable Windows application and can be easily viewed and securely shared by anyone, internally or externally. Mehr…

Nihuo Web Log Analyzer for Windows

Nihuo Web Log Analyzer is a powerful Windows application that turns your web logs into a professional sales and prospecting tool. By telling you where your web site visitors come from, which pages are most popular, and which search engine phrases brought visitors to your web site, you can make your site a more effective sales machine. Mehr…

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based end user password reset program for domain users to perform self password reset, account unlock and update of personal details in Active Directory. Thus it helps eliminate help desk calls and associated expenses by automating password resets and account unlocks to optimize employee productivity. ADSelfService Plus now supports Password Reset using Windows Logon GINA/CP extension and MS-SQL. Mehr…


Diese speziell fuer Internet Cafes entwickelte Software erlaubt Ihnen die zentrale Guthaben- und Kundenverwaltung von einem bis mehreren hundert Client Computern innerhalb eines lokalen Netzwerkes oder ueber einen Internetserver. Hierbei stehen dem Aufsteller verschiedene Abrechnungsmethoden, wie z.B. Benutzerkonten, PrePaid-PIN Codes oder aber Pay-As-You-Go zur Verfuegung. Einfache Bedienung durch den SiteCafe Manager, inklusive MSDE Datenbank. Mehr…

MySql Recovery Toolbox

MySql Recovery Toolbox is the easiest method of repairing corrupted databases in the MySql format, this approach is much easier than other ways of keeping databases safe and there is no need to pass additional trainings and read instructions. You may simply install this application on your PC and follow its friendly guidelines, some kind of additional explanations are not needed. The size of database recovery tool is approximately 2 megabytes. Mehr…