Kategorie Netzwerk & Internet / Sonstige (Filter: Freeware)
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Work Examiner Standard
Version: 3.2.39802 | Shareware (45,00 USD)
Work Examiner is an Internet monitoring software which generates detailed reports on the tracking and monitoring of your company employees' online activities. It also gives you control of applications and websites, allowing you to lock and unlock specified features. Installing the software on your network is a quick and simple procedure - you are only three clicks away from getting your work done. Mehr…
Version: 1.01 | Shareware (39,90 USD)
With this most handy utility you don't have to look for sites and try to guess a link from which one can be more profitable. All you have to do is to buy LinkHunter and launch it. LinkHunter will find out what links make your competitors' sites be ahead of you. Why should you make mistakes by your own experiments if you can use the checked information of your competitor? Optimize your links and get the first position in SEO. Mehr…
Call Alert!
Version: 1.0 | Freeware
Call Alert! enables your PC to recognize the caller without the need to answer by announcing Caller ID information with voice, alerting you immediately when a new call arrives.
With Call Alert!, you can block telemarketers (or any other unwelcome callers) easily: simply select whole or any part of a telephone number, and add it to the "black list". Call Alert! will recognize such callers, and disconnect them automatically after just one ring. Mehr…
Version: 2.7 | Shareware (19,00 EUR)
GAITO - der interaktive Moderator f?r Ihre Homepage jetzt mit vielen Neuerungen!
* Ganz neu - fotoGAITO! *
Erstellen Sie in weniger als 5 Minuten aus einem Digitalfoto Ihren ganz pers?nlichen GAITO Darsteller.
Und das ohne technisches Fachwissen! Einfach die Fotodatei ausw?hlen, gew?nschten Ausschnitt w?hlen - fertig.
Lassen Sie die Besucher Ihrer Homepage nicht allein! Mehr…
Get The Pictures
Version: 1,16 | Freeware (15,00 EUR)
Get The Pictures erm?glicht es eingebettete oder verlinkte Grafiken aus Websites oder Indexlisten zu extrahieren und downzuloaden. Weiterf?hrende Links k?nnen bis zu drei Ebenen tief auf eingebettete oder verlinkte Grafiken untersucht werden. Die gefundenen Links werden in einer Liste zwischengespeichert und k?nnen anschlie?end aus dem Netz geladen werden. Mit der Vollversion k?nnen beliebige Dateitypen aus dem Netz geladen werden. Mehr…
Version: 6.2.3 | Freeware
Steuern der Win eigenen Logdatei durch Modemlogtausch.Es k?nnen zwei Logdateien gleichzeitig benutzt werden. Backupfunktion und einfaches L?schen dieser Dateien.Auswerten und anzeigen dieser Logdateien durch Modemlogauswertung. Ableseterminerinnerung durch internen Kalender. Einzelverbindungsliste sowie anzeige der relevanten Abrechnungsdaten, auch in EUR.Grafisch aufbereitete Darstellung der verschiedenen Verbindungen. Backupfunktion der Dateien Mehr…
Hello Engines Standard
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (99,00 EUR)
Hello Engines! ist ein Softwareprodukt, mit dessen Hilfe Sie mehr Besucher auf Ihre Websites bringen. Ihre Website von Ihrem eigenen PC aus, bei fast allen wichtigen Suchmaschinen (Engines; z.B. Alta Vista, Fireball etc.),Verzeichnissen (Directories; z.B. Yahoo, Web.de etc.) korrekt und zuverl?ssig angemeldet. Das stellt sicher, dass Internet-Anwender die Chance haben, Sie im Internet ?berhaupt zu finden. Mehr…
Version: | Freeware
Your most extensive and holistic SharePoint and social analytics solution free now! With diverse widgets, visuals and the vital statistics to help you optimize your portal, CardioLog Analytics is the leading and best solution for SharePoint activity tracking, including Yammer and Sitrion reports. Transform your portal into a powerhouse resource with extended collab and engagement tools, and optimization tools to increase productivity and ROI. Mehr…
AggreGate Device Manager for Windows
Version: 5.11.01 | Shareware (650,00 USD)
AggreGate Device Management Platform is a complete device management solution that employs modern network technologies to control, configure and monitor different electronic devices. It also helps you to aggregate device data into a common database, where you can "slice and dice" it using a rich set of device management, data processing and remote service features, as well as let other enterprise applications transparently access it. Mehr…
Internet Privacy Eraser
Version: 8.01.01 | Shareware (19,00 USD)
Protect your internet privacy from anyone who uses your computer system. Our internet privacy eraser software helps to delete every trace of your internet and computer activity from typed website url's to files and folders created in the hard drives. Try the 7 day trial version and see how effectively it protects your internet privacy. Mehr…
Version: 2.9.31 | Demo (45,00 USD)
The MikroTik Router Operating System will replace your hardware router and will provide more functions at a fraction of cost. Firewall, Wireless, Routing and VPN are just a few of the functions it provides. The most advanced wireless driver will provide most stunning wireless results, reaching maximum distances at maximum speeds (example 100Km link at 5Mbit, or 35Mbit at 57Km). It comes with a graphical windows utility to remotely configure it. Mehr…
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (29,95 USD)
RoboNanny is a computer home security and baby monitor software. It monitors sound level in your room via your computer microphone, broadcasts audio from the microphone over the network, and records surrounding audio, and fires sound alarms.
While connected to the Internet (even a 28.8 modem will do, but DSL or Cable is certainly better), RoboNanny can continuously broadcast your room's sounds. Use Windows Media Player to listen to your home. Mehr…