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Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom Pro

Net Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to the network. The program can be used on networks that use the TCP/IP network protocol. After start, the program displays the windows of all remote computers, where the picture appears, which is displayed on the monitor of the remote computer. A teacher also has the ability to send a message to the students' computers. Mehr…

SunRav TestOfficePro

SunRav TestOfficePro - the complete solution for knowledge, personality and aptitude testing and assessment. SunRav TestOfficePro can be used for academic and pre-employment testing, personnel testing and certification or as a part of computer-aided teaching solutions. Mehr…

Formelsammlung Formel

Mit Formel haben Sie schnellen Zugriff auf alle wichtigen Formeln aus den Bereichen: Algebra, Geometrie und Physik. Die Formeldatenbank enthält über 700 Datensätze mit über 300 Formeln. Mit fast allen Formeln kann direkt gerechnet werden. Mehr…

School Calendar

School Calendar will help students and teachers with assignment organization, project due dates, and scheduling. It can even remind you when your scheduled event is about to happen. Included are two viewing modes, an automatic search option, password protection and an auto-backup with an opportunity to remove old archives automatically. The calendar can be synced with MS Outlook and its data exported to .ics, .xls, .txt, .html, .xml, .pdf formats Mehr…


Mit dem Programm Fourier-Synthese kann die Erzeugung eines periodischen Signals aus seinem Spektrum bestehend aus Gleichanteil, Grundschwingung und bis zu 128 Oberschwingungen simuliert werden. Die Erzeugung der Spektren kann durch Eingabe der Spektrallinien, Editieren der Signalform oder Eingabe der Formeln für die Fourierreihenentwicklung erfolgen. Mehr…

Memorization Master

Memory and attention development/testing software. Now anyone who claims that he can memorize things can be tested by our "Memorization Master". The program tests: Memorization volume, Memorization reliability, Memorization speed. These characteristics are automatically summarized in the "Memorization skill increase" index (as compared to the norm). Mehr…