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Kategorie Desktop / Bildschirmschoner: Sonstige (Filter: Freeware)

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Space Wormhole 3D Screensaver

Space Wormhole 3D will fascinate you with the fabulous flying through a space wormhole. It's also an live wallpaper which will animate your desktop wallpaper with an effect of space wormhole. Mehr…

Discovery 3D Screensaver

Sie werden von der Kunst dieses wunderschönes 3D Screensavers verblüfft sein. Discovery 3D Screensaver stellt die Kammer eines Gelehrten aus dem Mittelalter dar. Geniessen Sie das warme Licht, die feinen Details, atemberaubender 3D Dekoration dieses wunderschönen Screensavers, das Sie bestimmt faszinieren wird, sobald Sie es sehen. Downloaden Sie Ihre kopie jetzt und spühren Sie den Stil der Zeit der Entdeckungen. Mehr…

Ace Pro Screensaver Creator

With Ace Pro Screensaver Creator you can create professional screensavers for yourself, your friends, company, or commercial distribution.. You can make animated screensavers or slide-show screensavers easily in just a few steps.. Ace Pro Screensaver Creator comes with Nature Illusion Studio, a program that lets you create animated image by adding water, weather, sound effects, as well as animated objects such as bird, fish, etc to any image. Mehr…

Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver

Der Mond kreist um die Erde, die um die Sonne kreist... klingt alltäglich? Unsere Vorfahren sahen es nicht so. Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver bietet Ihnen eine Reise durch Zeit und Raum. Sehen Sie, wie unsere Vorfahren den Platz unseres Planeten im Universum sahen. Die Alchemisten-Uhr repräsentiert die Erde, während Sonne und Mond um sie kreisen. Die Uhr wird herrlich schimmernden Sternzeichenbildern umrahmt. Mehr…

The Sword 3D Screensaver

A very powerful animated 3D screensaver with a lot of spirit! It's not only the sheer beauty of the ravishing scenery but also the awe-inspiring theme and aura it creates that make you want to have it on your desktop. The centerpiece is the legendary sword of honor tempered in the fire of many glorious battles. The fate of its owner, a mighty noble warrior, whom it helped to defeat many evil foes, is, alas, unknown. Mehr…

Desktop Destroyer

Blow Up Your Desktop in 3D! This 3D screen saver takes a snapshot of your desktop and projects it into a 3D world, where it is dissected into an arbitrary number of explosions. You can customize the number of explosions and the size of the pieces. An installer and uninstaller is included. Mehr…