Visual Vision (Filter: Freeware)
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Visual Vision
V.le Riviera 464/82
17027 Pietra Ligure
V.le Riviera 464/82
17027 Pietra Ligure
info [at] visualvision [dot] com | |
Telefon | +39-019-625520 |
Telefax | +39-02-700-439311 |
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Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
Version: 2016.36 | Freeware (1,00 USD)
Professional and easy to use Web maker tool; it has everything you need to create your Web site. Frames, styles, images, music, video, shopping cart, photo galleries and more... quickly. No HTML, so all is visual, fast, simple; 1 site is 1 document, so no messing with tons of files; and site-wide search/replace and internal Internet publishing: you create content and manage things globally, it cares of the tech details. Perfect for your websight. Mehr…
1site (LITE)
Version: 2018.7.6 | Freeware
Professional and easy to use Website creator/publishing tool: you can make fancy Web sites with frames, styles, music, video, photo album, shopping cart and more... quickly. You don't see HTML, so all is visual, fast, simple. 1 site is 1 document, so no messing with endless files. Site-wide search/replace and internal FTP with autodetect of modified pages, so you manage things globally and publish your website fast. Long time productivity. Mehr…
CD FrontEnd LITE
Version: 2018.33 | Freeware
CD FrontEnd, the professional CD DVD creation software. Make autorun CD catalogs, brochures, presentations, menu, file collections. The user simply inserts the autoplay/autostart CDROM, then a Web like presentation is shown. You can include video, music, hyperlinked texts and images, any buttons you want to launch files (PDF, PowerPoint, AutoCAD..). No browsers needed, no HTML, no hassles. Several protections: password, disable print & copy... Mehr…
CD FrontEnd PRO
Version: 2016.7.8 | Freeware (1,00 USD)

Create autorun CD DVD menu presentations, make a brochure catalog depliant; manage files collection, protect. The user simply inserts the autoplay CD, and Web-like pages are shown (also full screen). Can include video, music, hyperlinked texts, hot spots, popup windows, any buttons you want to launch files (PDF, PowerPoint, AutoCAD...). No browsers needed. No configurations / HTML / hassles. Several protections available: password, print & copy.. Mehr…
Version: 2018.8.1 | Freeware
Free reader for .AEH ebooks, guides, hypertext, manuals created with eBooksWriter ebookswriter dot com. Full text/keyword search. Fast, compact and easy to use.
Very effective when you want to distribute protected documents; the editor thanks to its exclusive interface is the best for large and hypertext documents. Tiny: it is 1/20 of the common pdf reader, and it does not use pdf but a more secure format. Top class encryption and protection. Mehr…
eBooksWriter LITE
Version: 2016.33 | Freeware
Build ebooks with ease with this professional all-in-one tool. Not just a compiler! Edit, protect and pack a compact self installing EXE with one click, AEH (EBooksReader), MOBI EPUB (Kindle iPad etc). Several protections available: clipboard copy disabling; password(s) for different groups of pages; different passwords for diff users; expiry date.. Full editor. Frames, hot spots, audio, video, text/keyword search, 5000+ features... Free LITE. Mehr…
eBooksWriter PRO
Version: 2016.7.9 | Freeware (1,00 USD)
Build your ebook(s) with ease with this professional all-in-one tool: editor protector packer and compiler. Pack a compact self installing EXE with one click, or create AEH, EPUB, MOBI for handheld PCs, smartphones, Kindle, Sony, etc. Several protections available: print and clipboard copy disabling; password(s) for different groups of pages / users; expiry date... Full text/keyword search. Audio, video, frames, hot spots, popups... Mehr…