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Category System Utilities / Printer (Filter: Evaluation)

Adolix PDF Converter

PDF converter software. Convert to PDF any file that can be printed. Convert PDF to image. Convert PDF to TIFF, PDF to JPEG and PDF to BMP. Fully supports Windows Vista and users with non administrative rights. Our software was awarded by several shareware sites with 5 star ratings because of its features, stability and low price. More…


DOSPRN is a special program for support printing from DOS applications on any kinds of printers include winprinters, USB-printers, network printers, print servers etc. Also DOSPRN supports Epson and HP PCL Esc-sequences emulation, multiple international codepages, landscape/portrait printing, text color manipulation, absolute positioning and many other features. More…


Software for printout management. Monitor laser, ink jet and matrix printers. Retrieve and export page count, document name, Time and date of printout, and printer name to your favorite spreadsheet. Publish printer log to a Web site in HTML or send log by email to your personal mail. Password protected access as well as other security features. Enabled to operate with print servers or remote printers like internet printers. More…


Create PDF files from any Windows application running on Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2003, 2008 Server. The software installs itself as a print driver, all you have to do is to click PRINT from your application to create PDF files with full hyperlinks support,up to 2540x2540 dpi printing resolution, custom paper size, PDF document information, font embedding, printing scaling, PDF compatibility support and more. More…

RonyaSoft Poster Printer

Use an ordinary printer to make big posters, banners and maps! The Poster Printer software creates posters with the size up to 10 x 10 meters. Decide on any photo or image, Word Document with text or a drawing on it, and poster creator will calculate and print the amount of paper needed to make a poster or make a banner. For a large poster, you will need an A3, A4 format printer, sticky tape, a pair of scissors and your powerful poster software. More…

SmartVizor Variable Barcode Label Printing Software

SmartVizor is a stand-alone,powerful and extremely easy to use barcode label printing application. SmartVizor Suite is a software solution for creating personalized communications and professional one to one documents. It is one of the least expensive full-featured barcode label printing solutions available today. With SmartVizor Solution, merge any design with any database and print on any printer. More…