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Category Development / Components & Libraries

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WSQ image library (for fingerprints)

Reads and converts WSQ (FBI's Wavelet Scalar Quantization) and 33 other formats. Supports: WSQ, BMP, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, JP2, JPC, RGB, TGA, GIF, CEL, PSD, etc. For fingerprint images WSQ (Wavelet Scalar Quantization) is superior to other lossy compression methods, such as JPEG, and was chosen by FBI (U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation) as the fingerprint image compression standard. For more information visit More…

SentiSight algorithm demo for Windows

Object recognition technology and SDK for robotics and computer vision systems. The software offers simultaneous detection, identification and tracking of multiple objects in live video. Object quantity counting. Utilizes multithreading, SSSE3 support. Can be used for application development with most cameras on Windows and Linux. Includes programming samples in C#, Visual Basic .NET, C/C++, Java. Constant internet connection required for trial. More…

CloudTier Storage Tiering SDK

CloudTier Storage Tiering SDK provides you a simple solution to develop the cloud archiving software, it allows you to integrate your existing on-premises applications with the remote cloud storage infrastructure in a seamless fashion. Storage Tiering allows you to integrate cloud as second tier with the data storage technique which automatically moves data between high-cost on-permise storage and low-cost remote cloud storage. More…

EaseTag Tiered Storage Filter Driver SDK

File System Tiered Storage Filter Driver SDK, is a data storage technique which automatically moves data between high-cost and low-cost storage media. Tiered Storage Filter systems exist because high-speed storage devices, such as hard disk drive arrays, are more expensive (per byte stored) than slower devices, such as optical discs and magnetic tape drives. Tiered Storage Filter systems store the bulk of the enterprise's data on slower devices. More…


Supported Platforms: - iOS - Android - Windows New Features: - Added support for image editing, like adding, deleting, moving, rotating, cropping, etc. - Added text alignment in text editing, including left text alignment, right text alignment, center text alignment, and justify text alignment. More…


Developers can integrate PDF Annotations, Format Conversion, Digital Signature, Smart Forms, OCR, redaction, and more capabilities on their applications with our PDF SDK. Our powerful and steady API tools allow developers to bring the functions they want to multi-platform softwares easily. More…