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Category Business / Project Management (Filter: Demo)

Decision Making Helper

The innovative software tool Decision Making Helper provides support in the decision making process by enabling to take confident and structured decisions. To find the right decision will become a child's play without losing sight of the seriousness of the decision-making process. The decisions once taken will be reasonable and understandable which then can be presented convincingly towards third parties. More…

Bautagebuch für Windows + Mac

The Site Journal for Windows and Mac OS is intended to help site-supervising architects, engineers, and construction companies document site inspections. All important data, events and associated site photos are conveniently processed and managed with this slim and fast program. In addition to multiple input modes, it stands out because of the following features: fast and convenient navigation between the individual daily reports. More…

Jitbit Small Business CRM

Jitbit CRM - ASP.NET-based customer relationship management software for small businesses. Jitbit CRM is a simple web based CRM software, contact tracking and management made easy. Easy to install, accessible from anywhere as a Web application and simple to use. Jitbit CRM tracks your contacts, tasks and companies. FREE evaluation version has no expiration. More…

Bautagebuch für Windows + Mac

The Site Journal for Windows and Mac OS is intended to help site-supervising architects, engineers, and construction companies document site inspections. All important data, events and associated site photos are conveniently processed and managed with this slim and fast program. In addition to multiple input modes, it stands out because of the following features: fast and convenient navigation between the individual daily reports. More…


HKProjekt bringt Ordnung und Übersichtlichkeit in Ihre Projekte. Sie können Ihre Projekte und deren Aufgaben sofort in eine Liste an Ihrem PC schreiben. Das können Rückrufzusagen, wie die für den Tag geplanten Aufgaben der Projekte, die es zu erledigen gilt, bis hin zu Ihren neuen Ideen sein. So entsteht eine vollständige Projektliste mit deren Aufgaben. More…

Bautagebuch für Windows + Mac

The Site Journal for Windows and Mac OS is intended to help site-supervising architects, engineers, and construction companies document site inspections. All important data, events and associated site photos are conveniently processed and managed with this slim and fast program. In addition to multiple input modes, it stands out because of the following features: fast and convenient navigation between the individual daily reports. More…