Category Business / Databases & Tools
Version: 9.18 | Shareware (EUR 99.95)

SCHLÜSSEL-MASTER für Windows ist ein Verwaltungsprogramm für Schlüssel und Zylinder. Für Firmen, Behörden, Schulen usw. ist es jetzt leicht, den aktuellen Stand der Schlüsselausgabe ohne großen Aufwand jederzeit zugänglich zu haben. Komfortable und bedienerfreundliche Oberfläche. Verwaltung von beliebig vielen Schlüsseldateien möglich. Jede Schlüsseldatei kann mehrere tausend Schlüssel verwalten. More…
Adressverwaltung RWEDV
Version: | Shareware

Adressverwaltung CRM inkl. Faktura & Leihverkehr, Aktivitäten (z.B. Briefe, E-Mails, Telefonate) werden direkt Adressen zugeordnet, Aktivitätenlisten: Offen - Fibu - Wiedervorlage, Adressen Duplikate, E-Mails aus Outlook können direkt eingelesen/versendet werden, Links zu Netzwerk Profilen (z.B. Xing, Facebook), List & Label für flexible Berichtsgestaltung, Personalverwaltung mit Arbeitszeiterfassung, Projekte, TAPI, Word (Einzel & Serienbriefe) More…
MDB (Access) to XLS (Excel) Converter
Version: 3.01 | Shareware (USD 29.95)

MDB (Access) to XLS (Excel) allows you to convert your MDB, ACCDB files to XLS, XLSX format. It is very simple to use. You can select tables for export and set necessary options. More…
Visual Importer ETL Enterprise 32 Bit
Version: | Shareware (USD 330.00)

Visual Importer Enterprise automates loading data into ANY Database from ANY Database or file. Plus automation of business processes such as FTP, Email: POP3 and SMTP, File operations, SQL scripts, Zip and Unzip, ETL Task scheduler and comprehensive log. Full support for Excel, MS Access, DBF and Text files, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL or any ODBC compliant database. Several wizards to make life easier for you More…
myDBR Web Reporting
Version: 5.7.6 | Freeware (EUR 129.00)

myDBR is an innovative web reporting solution for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase with support for latest smartphones (Android, iPhone, and Symbian). myDBR reporting solution brings unparalleled speed of authoring even the most complex reports. By automating most of the work needed on traditional reporting systems, myDBR increases productivity and offers a cost effective reporting solution. More…
Data Exchange Wizard
Version: | Shareware (USD 130.00)

Data Exchange Wizard Loads or export data from/into ANY database. Full support for Excel, Access, DBF and Text files,XML, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OleDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server Compact or ANY ODBC compliant database. Great performance - Thousands of records per second. Easy to use and learn More…
Vendor Organizer Deluxe
Version: 4.11 | Shareware (USD 75.00)

Vendor Organizer Deluxe is a flexible vendor and supplier management software for Windows users. Our software solution helps all kinds of companies and organizations to enter and manage information about vendors and suppliers. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use vendor management solution make it easy to set up and use. More…
Version: | Shareware (USD 199.00)

SOHODOX is a simple & cost-efficient document management solution for small offices. Using features like tags, folders, linking documents and a powerful search, it helps catalogue your paper and digital documents at the office. SOHODOX manages all types of documents. It controls access to documents and keeps your files confidential. It also lets you easily create a backup so you don’t lose vital documents for your business. More…
Active Table Editor
Version: | Shareware (USD 130.00)

Active Table Editor enables end users to edit any table. The administrator designs the look of the application for the end users by editing user menus, security, menu items and data entry forms. All this complexity is left behind the scene for the end users, who can see and edit only that data, which was allowed by the administrator. More…
Database Browser Portable
Version: | Freeware

This Easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse or modify data ,run sql scripts, export and print data. Works directly with Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL plus full support for ODBC and OLE db connection strings. More…
Visual Importer ETL Standard 32 Bit
Version: | Shareware (USD 100.00)

Visual Importer loads data into ANY Database from ANY Database or file. Full support for Excel, Access, DBF, XML and Text files, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or any ODBC compliant database. Great performance - thousands of records per second. More…
Loan Modification Machine
Version: | Shareware (USD 4,999.00)

Loan Modification Machine - a Professional Loan Modification Software. Our software is designed for Loan Modification Professionals, or Mortgage Brokers eager to enter into this lucrative industry. Includes Loan Modification Software, Amortization Loan Center, Credit Cards Analyzer, Budget Center, Templates Manager, BPO Advisor, Lender Benefits Analyzer, all the forms you need, Templates Manager and more. More…