Category Business / Databases & Tools
DBF Recovery
Version: 4.1 | Shareware (USD 49.95)
If your dbf databases have been broken, your database software won't work. You will get an error message or see gibberish instead of your valuable data. However, you may be in luck! DBF Repair Tool from HiBase Group can repair your dbf file. Unlike most of the competitors, DBF Recovery not only fixes headers but also analyzes actual data structures and tries to fix them too. More…
GIS ObjectLand
Version: 2.7.9 | Shareware (USD 199.00)
GIS ObjectLand is a universal Geographic Information System for Windows. Key capabilities: using spatial data and tables from internal database or external DBMS; multiuser data editing; import and export for MIF/MID (MapInfo), SHP (ArcView), DXF (AutoCAD), DBF (dBASE), CSV; setting access permissions to data for different categories of users; automation COM interfaces for user applications. More…
Version: 4.26 | Shareware (EUR 26.95)
Mit Hausenergie-Master können Sie sich auf einfache Art und Weise einen Überblick über die Energiebilanz Ihres Hauses oder Ihrer Wohnung verschaffen.Hausenergie-Master wird Ihnen mit wenig Aufwand das Erfassen und Auswerten Ihrer Verbrauchswerte von Strom, Gas, Wasser oder Heizöl in Ihrem Haushalt ermöglichen. Analysieren Sie monatlich Ihre häuslichen Verbrauchswerte mit Hausenergie-Master, um Schwachstellen zu erkennen und zu beseitigen. More…
Office CleanUP
Version: | Shareware
With the Office CleanUP 5 can you repair and configure the Microsoft Office 97 to 2016 applications. In addition been sufficient only click. Supported applications are: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, InfoPath, Publisher, Projekt, Frontpage and Office general. More…
Version: 2.5.0 | Shareware (EUR 299.00)
DB-Tool to compare or replicate data between SQL-database of different vendors. SQL-script-creation. Batch-mode. Filter data by additional where statement. Generates Worklist of database tables ordered by foreign key dependencies. Treatment of Self-Joins. Transmission of Blobs. For MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase ASE/ASA, IBM DB2, MySQL, Access and more DBMSs with ODBC-Driver More…
DBF Doctor
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (USD 139.00)
DBF Doctor is a valuable addition to your IT toolkit. DBF Doctor allows you to restore important data from a damaged or corrupt database file in minutes. The sophisticated analytical engine examines the database file and accurately restores it. In a couple of minutes you can see its content again. Available for Dbase III/IV, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro. More…
DTM Data Generator
Version: 3.01.00 | Demo (USD 149.00)
DTM Data Generator is a tool that generates data for database testing. Currently, database developers and DBA often have to spend hours of work to create test data before examining database performance. This tool makes all this unnecessary by automatically creating test data rows, database tables and schema objects (views, triggers) by template. The tool resolves foreign keys and order of tables automatically. Also: SQL, text, JSON, XML output. More…
DataNumen Access Repair
Version: 4.5 | Demo (USD 199.95)
DataNumen Access Repair is a powerful Access recovery tool. It will scan the corrupt Access databases and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently DataNumen Access Repair supports to recover Access 95 - 2019 & Access for Office 365 databases. Moreover, it is integrated with Windows Explorer, supports drag & drop operations, which will make you repair Access databases easily and quickly. More…
DataNumen DBF Repair
Version: 4 | Demo (USD 149.95)
DataNumen DBF Repair is a powerful tool to repair corrupt DBF files. It can scan the corrupt DBF files and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently DataNumen DBF Repair supports to fix dBASE, FoxBase, FoxPro and Visual FoxPro database. Moreover, it is integrated with Windows shell, supports command line parameters, which will make you repair DBF files easily and quickly. More…
Version: 5.11 | Shareware (EUR 99.00)
Adressprogramm mit Kontakten, Dokumenten, Aufgaben, Reports, MS Office und OpenOffice Anbindung. Mandantenfähig, lernt PLZ, Import/Export Assistenten, Timer, Baumdarstellung, 20 frei konfigurierbare Felder, Favoritenfunktion, Verlaufsfunktion, Schnellfinder, SQL-Schnittstelle, Beziehungen zw. Adressen, Duplikatsuche, Datenbankwartung. Einzelbrief, Serienbrief, Listen, Formulare, Umschläge, Etiketten über Word. Editierbares Organisationshandbuch. More…
Version: 1.1 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)
Der Birthday-Master, die einfache und komfortable Datenbank, die Sie an die Geburtstage Ihrer Freunde und Verwandten erinnert.
Das AOL-Software-Archiv schreibt dazu: "... Das schlanke Tool wartet mit massivem Komfort auf, wenn es darum geht, jede Entschuldigung zu verlieren ... Dank seiner Flexibilität und dennoch einfachen Handhabung hilft der Birthday Master allen auf die Sprünge, die nicht so gerne anderer Leute Geburstage vergessen." More…
Version: 4.2 | Shareware (USD 259.00)
This trends management program handles field data from one or more acquisition systems, or internal performance data from servers. It manages any kind of periodically updated value in a database, which can be reached by SQL query from the computer on which the program is being run. Data can be displayed, stored, printed and exported either in graphical or numerical format. The program integrates spreadsheet functions. More…